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How to deal with insomnia?

I am currently doing rolling 36 hour fasts into an eat day back into 36 hour and it is going fine. I get hunger during the day but it is evening out as this is starting my 3rd week. However, the insomnia is insane. There is zero way for me to fall asleep unless i eat an egg or something, but this reduces my fasting time to 24 hours, and i’d really not like to do that.

How can i deal with falling asleep? It’s not like I am laying awake dreaming of food. I legitimately just cant sleep. Ashwaganda? Magnesium?

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Avid Extended Faster here. Extended Fasting Insomnia sucks. Either Keto Flu or the lack of serotonin melatonin and increased cortisol can really aggravate sleep problems

I personally use hot showers or melatonin from time to time before bed to relax out enough to sleep. Also add some physical activity before the shower if I can. Maybe that can help you out? Cortisol really interferes with sleep especially with extended fasts it’s even worse so try to relax out with some aromatherapy, relaxing music and a well-ventilated room. Try and give your best shot at sleep techniques :) maybe it will help. Tiring yourself out physically and having a relaxing sleep routine really helps

P.S counting and repeating a word / phrase sound also works. Try Counting till 600 which is like 10 minutes so if that works you sleep - if not you can just go and do something else, saves the time wasted tossing and turning. Anything that gets your mind engaged to something repetitive or rhythmic helps. If nothings working and cannot sleep, then I suggest just breaking the fast since sleep is really crucial :)


During longer fasts I find epsom salt baths help. Part of it is the magnesium but a large part is just taking 30 minutes to relax and process the day before I go to bed. I tend to sleep less during fasts but I fall asleep around the same time.

What else are you doing to support your sleep? Do you normally have a good sleep routine? What is your diet like when you are eating?

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