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How to do a 24 hour fast?

I’ve been doing 20:4 for a couple of weeks and the scale has barely moved. I‘m not binging or trying to get 3 meals in during the 4 hours, but clearly, I‘m going to have to cut back on the calories. Also, the last couple of days my schedule got weird for various reasons and I ended up fasting for about 23 hours both days and it was ok. I was very happy to eat when I got to, but wasn’t miserable or anything in the last few hours. So I’m thinking about trying a 24 hour fast once or twice a week. How do you make that work when you’re trying to stick to a fixed schedule?

As an example, I usually eat 4 pm - 8 pm. Ok, let’s say I start my fast on Monday at 8 pm. Tuesday 8 pm rolls around. Yay! Food! So then what? How long an eating window do I allow myself? How does this fit in with trying to do 20:4 on Wednesday? Thanks!

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Maybe you could do a 24h + sleep fast. 24h is barely any different to what you’re doing now and you have said it would be fine. You could choose a day that would suit and just not eat until the morning. It would be more beneficial


My eating window is 3-8pm, although most weekdays it ends up being 5-8pm just because of my work schedule. Recently I’ve started doing a weekly 24 hour fast, and on those days I’ll start my fast somewhere between 6-7pm, and break at the same time the next day. That way I have an hour and change left of my normal eating window and can jump right back into my routine the next day.

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