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How to eat in my feast window / last meal before fast ?

I aim to fast 18 hrs a day may be Sometimes i can drink coffe with milk but some days i cant it makes me hungry I fast to lose weight only But some days i find my self ravenous and like shaky and i cant fast My question is how to eat in my eating window so that i can go longer between meals and in my fasting hours. ? In terms of macros

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I’m thinking you might eat a carb diet? If so, have a look at a low carb/keto way of eating. It will naturally reduce your appetite and so it fits hand in hand with fasting. One thing you can do is replace milk (carbs) with cream (low carb - high fat) in your coffee. More fat, moderate protein, less carbs and intermittent fasting is fantastic.


Milk in your coffee will likely break your fast. I’d avoid it.

Focus on proteins, good fats and fibre in your window. Plenty of fruit and veg. Processed Carbs are fine but should be lower on your list of priorities. Stay hydrated when fasting. You should be fine.


No matter what diet you use alongside of your fasting. A big focus should be on natural, nutrient dense foods.. Taking an electrolyte supplement or magnesium always helps many of my clients. Your 1st 3 weeks will be the hardest as your body adapts to your new schedule and starts trying to remember it can use your fat for fuel. Don’t mind the debate here in the comments about diet, but slowy reducing carbs for the first couple weeks will expedite the fat adaptation process. Then once adapted you can adjust your macros for your goals, anabolic vs metabolic

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Categories: to fast lose weight eating window fasting hours macro low carb keto carbs coffee intermittent fasting fruit magnesium