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How to fix my mindset?

I’m at my happiest and most peaceful when I’m fasting, but after many recent failures in doing it I pretty much don’t believe in myself anymore. Now every time I want to fast, I psych myself out because “you’ll just give into food cravings” then feel miserable at my lack of drive. Honestly, I think my lack of confidence f’s me over than my actual cravings.

How can I change my mindset to believe in myself more and fast when I really want to instead of doubting myself? I don’t even wanna do a longterm fast just a 41 hour one which I’m used to. And while we’re at it, any tips for dealing with food cravings? I already have a clear goal in my mind and I write everything down, but honestly I don’t wanna spend the whole day distracting myself, not much actually holds my attention anyway.

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Whenever I get into that funk with fasting/exercise ect… I “half ass” it. Do half of what you really want and then you’ll crave the whole thing. Example: when I haven’t been exercising I’ll go in and do a half workout and leave feeling like I could have completed the whole thing, and I’ll be craving more.


I just have to tell myself “ok, we’re going to do this” and then I do it. Yeah this sounds like I’m giving non-advice, but it really is just flipping a switch in my head and telling myself that this will happen. I fell off the fasting wagon for a number of months and got frustrated with a small weight gain. I didn’t like where I was so I made the decision to start fasting again. Really, for me it’s just a mental game where I commit to fasting and don’t give myself other options. I remind myself that this is what I CHOOSE to do so that I feel like I have power and I’m in control.


Been there too. In fact just failed a fast yesterday. Was at 36 hours and just got insanely hungry. I don’t blame my mind, but blame my body. In my experience it’s important to go into a fast prepped well. Very low carbs in the days and weeks before the fast, small portion sizes, addiction food removed from the house and get past that 48 hour period. If I crack it is always in first 48. I’m prepping for next fast now. Just keep working at it and understanding what works for you after learning what others do.


one thing that has helped me is to really do research into WHY i’m fasting and make it more than just weight loss and food. (i def wanna lose weight to be clear lol) but reading The Obesity Code and hearing Dr. Jason Fung explain WHY my body needs fasting and thinking about the bad stuff that could happen (cancer, diabetes, alzheimers/dementia) if i don’t helps me stay focused and resist food even more than just my vanity in wanting to lose weight…what helps me get through the fasts is to start out already in ketosis and fat adapted (make sure you’re not eating too many carbs before a fast) so this way i dont get terrible hunger pains and cravings (i mean they still happen but i feel less out of control) then i also drink my coffee or tea and have apple cider vinegar with water. i find having different beverages and choices makes me feel more empowered and nourished and like i still get to have “fun” stuff. apple cider vinegar with a little lemon in sparkling water is so yummy to me. my espresso with a little almond/macademia nut/coconut creamer in the morning feels nourishing and makes me happy. I think it’s finding the joy in the process of fasting and looking forward to long term results.


To be able to change your mindset you will need to prove yourself that you can achieve your goals.

Regardless of what you were able to accomplish in the past, be gentle with yourself.

Try with a regular fast 16:8, once you have accomplished it, celebrate it and make your body feel happy for what you have achieved, when you get into the fasting rhythm you can increase the fasting hours until the 48hs that’s your goal.

You will have to be patient and celebrate every victory.

Success in your journey!

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