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How to get rid of sweets!! Only obstacle I have failed to tackle.

Sugar, chocolate, cakes and cookies, ice cream and sugary fruits like grapes, bananas and water melon. I got rid of fast foods without much effort. Had developed a bad habit of snacking before going to bed, got rid of it in a week. I walk a lot more and play with my kids in the park pretty much everyday. One thing I haven’t conquered is sweets.

Sugar in coffee and green tea, small bowl of ice cream after dinner, snacking with grapes and bananas and then I get this huge watermelon craving once in a while and I just devour the big thing in pretty much two sittings.

40/m, 6’3”, 270 lbs. It has been more than a decade since I was around my goal weight of 210lbs. OMAD is something I can do but if there is an easy way of quitting sugar please let me know. With kids in the house, ice cream, granola bars and cookies are always within arm’s reach. Help please.

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Grapes, bananas, and watermelon are great for you. Packed with lots of nutrients. I definitely wouldn’t want to get rid of them.

The other stuff…willpower. You just have to discipline yourself and say “no”.


I used to drink my daily coffee with creamer and sugar. I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I couldn’t stand the taste of black coffee. To start, I cut sugar first and only had coffee with creamer, and it didn’t feel like a drastic step. After a month, I cut out the creamer, and it was a little more drastic of a jump but didn’t feel like anything I couldn’t handle. Never went back, only black coffee for the last 7 years. It helps with my fasting, too (omad).

I read The Obesity Code recently and it helped me understand the harm sugar is doing to our bodies; for me, understanding the set back I’m causing to my health and body is usually enough to curb sugar cravings. I try not to keep it in the home, either; if I really want some ice cream, that’s fine, I’ll go out and get a cone. The goal for me is not to deprive, but to make it a little (or a lot) more inconvenient.

You’ve got this!


There is no easy solution or doctors hate this one trick

The solution is healthier alternatives which it sounds like you’re doing just fine it’s not like you’re pounding down candy bars or something it’s mostly fruit

The other solution is just raw mental willpower to say “I don’t want it”


sooooo going to go against the grain here and tell you that willpower is a finite resource and in some cases isn’t enough to get you there. Your best method is friction - creating blocks and barriers between you and your craving source. I wouldn’t worry about the fruit unless you’re literally downing hundreds of calories worth in a sitting it’s probably a decent little vice to keep while you work on the other stuff.

I know kids make it tricky but you have to make sweet treats as hard to get to as possible - don’t keep sugar in your house! Don’t keep sweets in your house! Don’t keep ice cream in your house! You are the adult and you can control what comes into your house! If your kids must have desserts, make it so that you buy a single box of ice lollies or little packs of chocolate buttons etc that everyone can just eat in one sitting. If you have sugary breakfast bars keep them in the car, or portion them straight into individual lunch boxes so they are allocated and not hanging about waiting for you. Make one day of the week TREAT day so your family know that’s when they get a big delicious dessert or you go out for ice cream on that day. If there are always little yummy things hanging around in loose packets in cupboards and you can just dig your hand in for one, you probably will. If you design your life so that sweet things are out of sight out of mind, you’ll find it SO much easier. I find that even just an extra layer of tupperware can help make the thing feel less front-of-mind but your mileage may vary.


Hi, I wouldn’t pair the fruits, whole fruits with plain sugar, I do eat fruit, just not 5 pieces a day, omg that’s so much. If you can’t just get rid of them..maybe up the protein intake? I know it makes me full so I don’t have room or desire, but I’ve never had a sweet tooth.

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