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How to go to sleep hungry? I always end up eating in bed

I want to get back into EF, my longest fast was 6 days in the past, and I regularly did 3 day fasts last year. But I gained like 70 lbs back.


I want to get back into EF, but I am having SO MUCH trouble with night time hunger. Like I just can’t sleep without eating something. But it often turns into multiple quest bars and nuts in bed. How do you deal with hunger on keto?

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You shouldn’t be that hungry on keto. Its likely due to your electrolytes being out of whack, or psychological. I know someone with a stomach bug who just cant go to bed without food, he’s not hungry but believes he needed to eat. It kept him up all night being sick and he still tried to eat the next day. Same results. Is it a mental thing or are you not getting enough salts?


I deal with the hunger with the usual way - my head, that does all the decisions, good and bad ones. How long are you doing keto? There rly shouldn’t be that huge hunger issues, not to mention when you gained 70lbs, there should be plenty to go round.

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