| | Water Fasting

How to I not regain weight after stopping the dryfast?

I weigh 183lbs and I’m trying to get to 160. I’m worried that when I stop the dryfast I’ll get the weight that I lost back. How would you keep it off?

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You will put some weight back on, because of water and food in your stomach and intestines. From 183 down to 160, I’d expect you to put that back on, in all honesty. Why are you dry fasting? How long is your dry fast going?


Rolling fasts of 48s and 72s until optimal weight, should include water fasts with apple cider vinegar and baking soda (but not together within 2 hours of each other) to break down/prevent kidney stones.

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Categories: stomach dry fasting dry fast water fast vinegar baking soda kidney