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How to implement Intermittent fasting in your lofe if you have a busy schedule?

So I am very new to intermittent fasting, and I wanted to start my weight loss journey accompanying it with fasting. Now, I am a student so I usually am from around 10:00 to 15:00, and after that I go to work until 20:00. I am used to having a big breakfast, eating something very small in my 30 min break between uni and work and that I eat dinner when I get home at 21:00. I wanted to start with a 14/10 fast, but I don’t know how exactly to do it when the only time I have to eat a good meal in the morning and at night. What would you do in my case? Skipping the dinner seemed to be the best option since I need to eat a good breakfast to be able to think and do the stuff I need to do at work. But then it would mean that my last meal is a 30 min. Sandwich at 15:00 and then do a 17 h fast until the next meal ( I can’t eat at work).

Are there any other people with the same struggles as me? And how did you implement intermittent fasting with a busy schedule?

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IMO, having your window any longer than 8 hours is pointless.

Plenty of on the go meals. People bring lunches to work. No reason you can’t bring ones to school and work. Get a few different sandwich varieties to make, granola bars, sliced veggies, fruit cups. Lots of options.


I do a pretty small window that basically amounts to OMAD but not quite. I get home from work at around 6PM and will make myself a smoothie thats about 400 cal. Then around 8PM I make dinner that’s about 1000-1200 cal. I have black coffee in the morning, and if I’m dragging then another one in the afternoon around 3 or so. Drink lots of water. I don’t really have a physically demanding job so I don’t feel hungry not having breakfast.


Not the same schedule, but I do 18:6, so the same hours I think you’re looking at? I think my meals work the same as well, big lunch (your breakfast), snack, light dinner (your light lunch), then I’m don’t till lunch (would be breakfast for you) the next day


I have a very busy schedule. I start work around 7 AM, end work around 5 PM, workout for an hour, shower, and make my dinner (OMAD). It’s extremely low effort and I don’t have to rigorously count calories, sleep well, and don’t wake up hungry.


If I were you I would eat breakfast and lunch, but plan for something more than just a sandwich at lunch. If you love your sandwiches, just supplement them with some veggies and hummus, or a salad, or heck, even eat two sandwiches!

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