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How to lose 55 pounds without lose skin ?

Would not be able to exercise most probably.

Height - 6 ft

Current Weight - 195.8 pounds

Other info - I’ve been fat for around perhaps all my life. Last 12 years to be exact. Current age is 22 and a half. Very unhealthy lifestyle - can’t count a night having had a proper sleep, bad diet, cigarettes, alcohol, weed, what not. Immense stress, poor social contacts and relations, financially in a bad fix out of which I perhaps won’t be able to recover.

But… I just have this little hope that one day I’ll see the mirror having a new face, a slimmer better me.

I am cautious of lose skin though. Websites I visited told to lose at the rate of 4 to 8 pounds a month.

Others recommended alternate day fasting - which I tried and I can sustain it in the long term. But this would lead to about more than 10 pounds a month.

Thus, the question is, which mode should I adhere ? 16:8 ? ADF ? And what rate should I lose the weight at ?

I know I am 22 and it appears youth is on my side, but trust me the last year has been way stressful, enough to give me stress induced wrinkles and significant hair loss. I am working on the stress, though. But yeah the point is you can add a decade to know my real physiological age.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I wish I find supportive answers.

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Is there a reason you can’t workout? Generally speaking, putting on lean muscle while loosing fat is a way to prevent lose skin. You do have to keep in mind though, losing a lot of weight/fat quickly will cause loose skin. I know Cole has talked about working out fasted and recommends it, I would add listen to you body and gradually include lifting weights as you get used to fasting for more the a day or so. Personally I’ve done 48s with working out on my refeed days and didn’t see a huge lose in muscle but I lost 19lbs in just 6 weeks. I’ve seen others say to do 72s for as long as you can, then 48s, then one meal a day. The leaner you get, the harder it’s going to be to sustain longer fasting times.

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