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How to make oat porridge more nutritious?

Hi all.

I’ve decided to start every morning with oat porridge. I use whole grain oats and cook them. Just before they are done, I add some frozen berries.

I was wondering what else can I add to make porridge more nutritious? Oats cook for about 10 minutes so anything that I add shouldn’t cook more than that.

Thanks in advance.

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I make a porridge out of rolled oats and chia Seeds soaked in boiling water til it cools then add some milk and leave overnight. In the morning I put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Then add flaxseed meal and cinnamon and a combination of with either banana, berries, coconut oil or nut butter.I have no idea how much more nutritious it makes it but I enjoy it :)


maca, cacao, cinnamon, hulled hemp, milled chia seeds, milled flax seeds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, frozen blueberries and strawberries, peanut butter, date syrup, chopped bananas, raisins/sultanas/mixed dried fruit - i enjoy any combination of these as long as the maca has something sweet to blend with:) all makes for a highly nutritious, protein-packed meal


Savory oats. Armenians eat a delicious version with chicken that is literally mashed up into the oats. I make a Korean oat breakfast all the time that is great… oats cooked in bone broth and miso. Topped with lightly burnt kimchi, green onions, and garlic. Which is then topped by a couple of over easy eggs.


I go all out with oats! I recently tried sprouted oats, and the taste is so much better. I usually add berries, flax oil, coconut oil and coconut sugar, but I’ve also added ground flax seeds and hemp seeds too. Cream is great to increase bioavailability of the plant stuff.


There is many ways to make your porridge more nutritive, starting from cooking with water or milk, I used to do it with almond, the taste that gives you it’s very nice! Then you can add nuts and any fruits (I prefer fresh) and seeds like chia or poppy, sunflower or pumpkin are also really good. If you want to go farther there is other powerful stuff like guarana, Açai, spirulina or turmeric among others.. I hope this helps! Enjoy!!


Try adding Kale, or char, or spinach, or arugula in the last 4 minutes. When cooled to eat add an acid of some kind. Then be sure to chew the vegetable and in contact with tongue at least 30 seconds as bacteria in tongue will convert the green to nitric oxide. The NO will feed the critters lining your blood vessels through out your body. Lowering blood pressure and improve your heath! If you’re male you will greatly improve your morning wood! If you use oils of any kind, they cause blood vessels to constrict which is not great health.


Please don’t cook. Place two scoops of oats in coconut milk, add cinnamon, chia seeds and raw cocoa if available, add some honey to taste - entirely optional. Leave in the fridge overnight. Voila! A hearty breakfast the next morning.That’s how I take mine.


Add pumpkin. This recipe also incorporates pecans, flax, and berries. It’s a nutritional powerhouse.

Also give baked oatmeal a shot if you haven’t tried it. I make one batch for me and the kids and it lasts all week. As a person who does not enjoy washing dishes, this is a huge boost in morale for me. :)


My go to is overnight oats with a banana and peanut butter. Best texture. If I want a hot breakfast I just add an apple and some cinammon while cooking the oats in any milk (regular, almond,soy usually)


Slow cook in water, so you don’t get the boiled milk taste. When in your bowl, add some milk or cream on top and whatever fruit, seeds or nuts are in season and you like.

I love sliced ladyfingers (tasty, small bananas) on it. Combined with an egg or two as a side, it lasts a long time. Yummy ☀️


I really like cold breakfast so I make an overnight oat + chia seeds mixed with water in the ratio of 1:2. So I do 1/4 cup chia, 1/4 oats, and a whole cup of water. In the morning I add 1 mashed-up banana and 2 tbsp of hemp seeds. Sometimes I add some almond flour, kiwi, green apple, persimmon, or some other fruit I have at home.

You can add any of those things to oat porridge if you like. Chia and hemp seeds are really great and nutritious.


You may find that grains provide a large amount of carbohydrates with little fat, protein, or even fiber. This causes blood-sugar problems for me so I always add butter or oil, and often sausages. I also generally use stone cut oats, which should be cooked longer.


I have been trying to put on weight and I always eat oats every morning an hour before I hit the gym.

I love having the extra protein in the morning especially to start my anabolic window for the gym workout. If you don’t like it in the oats it’s just as good with water as a drink while I eat the oats.


I have porridge every morning, and I find that I need to add protein in order to make breakfast last till lunchtime. I usually add collagen powder before cooking. Or I add peanut butter before serving, or I serve with a soft cooked egg on the side. I usually have a dollop of Greek yogurt with my porridge whether or not I add another protein.


I mix organic jumbo oats with flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp hearts, cinnamon, frozen blueberries, a big dollop of Greek yogurt and almond milk. You can add honey for a bit extra sweetness but I like the tangy taste the Greek yogurt gives. Leave it in the fridge overnight and then it’s no fuss in the morning. Quick, easy and delicious!


Just adding to the chorus. I mix my oats in a 1:1 ratio with other grains like buckwheat, barley and rye (1 oatmeal to 1 of those three or a mixture). The grains all have somewhat different nutrition profiles, so that helps.
I always add nuts (walnuts, pecans or macadamia), berries or some other fruit. if I need sweetener, I might add honey or maple syrup (a tsp or 2)


1.use steel cut oats (just less processed -> more nutritious and to me - tastier lol)

2.ferment them for a lil bit, like swiss people did just 100 years ago. (Source “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Weston A. Price)

3.good quality butter and raw milk( animal, macadamia nut or coconut milk)

4.eggs, mushrooms or raw berries/fruit, blackstrap molasses/honey, yogurt

  1. dessicated liver or oyster powder while cooking(?) personally I could eat them raw😂 but if you don’t like them - just hide in other food. I always have some leftover egg whites, might as well add them for extra protein when cooking

6.some medical stuff, it’s maca powder, lecithin, lion’s mane mushroom powder

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