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How to manage calories when daily expenditure differs?

What are your strategies for eating an appropriate amount of calories when your calorie expenditure is different every day? is it worth it to change your macros every day or to just hold an average for the week?

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When setting your calories and macros, your overall activity level is what will determine your numbers. You don’t need to change your numbers daily or you’ll make yourself crazy. If you;’re looking to lose weight, it’s the calorie deficit over time that is what you want to accomplish. One day you may have a few extra calories, another you may have less. You set a target and stay 5-7% within that target. Exercise and activity is the icing on the cake, it’s not used to manipulate the numbers. Calorie cycling is something a bit more advanced once you get the hang of calorie counting on its own.


good luck properly quantifying your calories burned. to make an informed decision on how to adjust your daily intakes would require exhaustive testing on yourself for likely very minor/negligible physical outcomes. Best bet is to use an average consumption based upon a few weeks of calorie intake and weight measurements


Difficult. Other than High Carbohydrate diet, the advice is “One’s body will tell one how much to eat.”


Promoting the restriction of carbohydrates resulted in decreased craving and preference for high-carbohydrate and sweet/high-sugar foods, whereas promoting the restriction of high-fat and high-protein foods decreased craving for high-fat foods and preference for high-protein foods.


Smart watch + calorie tracking app. Seeing as I’ve lost almost 25 pounds since I started doing that, I’d say it’s pretty accurate. The calorie app adjusts your macros based on how many total calories you’ve burned.

Edit: forgot to add, get a scale/smart scale and adjust your weight in the calorie counting app each day.


Go by an average. It’s only natural that the amount of calories you burn on a given day will be different from the next

Meaning, you don’t need to eat significantly less just because you rested one day, or were less active. Keep it simple and go by averages


I don’t think calorie counting is an effective strategy. A healthy body should properly regulate itself. If people count calories and end up eating the same amount they would eat anyway, then counting was pointless. If counting makes them eat less, then they’ll usually despair and give up. You should try to find a strategy that does not require you to fight your body’s own regulatory mechanisms.


The best way is to not to get anxiety because of that and don’t even use calorie calculator. Eat what you want, how much you want. If you go on 6 hours bike drive no way you can eat this amount of calories in a day… I heard Michal Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day, because he is swimmer. Normal human beings can just enjoy life

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