I am doing my first dryfast in years, just 48 hours to get the feel for it again. Should i avoid certain foods for refeed or doesnt it really matter when my fast is only 2 days? I was thinking a nice steak, some raw fruits, and maybe a little pasta. Any advice?
After a 48 hour dry fast I don’t pay particular attention to the refeed. I eat keto food to maintain the benefits of fasting for as long as possible.
After so many two-day dry fasts I believe that my body has “got used” to managing itself correctly without problems due to what I ingest immediately afterwards. At the beginning even just two days of dry fasting forced me to at least one day of water fasting and subsequently a period of gradual reintroduction of food.
So the answer should be: it depends on how your digestive system reacts. Since you have not fasted for some time, my advice is to proceed with caution in order to have a good memory of this fast and to be able to do many others in peace of mind (and gut;)).
What I do is drink water slowly over the course of a few hours.Then, eat after at least 4 hours of drinking only water. I don’t pay too much attention to what I eat as long as it’s a whole food meal. I wouldn’t break a fast with a package of oreos or a jar of peanut butter because all that refined sugar at once can cause blood sugar to go up too fast. Whole foods with fiber like rice, whole fruits like grapes or even meats if you’re into that are okay.
The important thing is to go slow and try not to eat too much too fast or you will feel it.