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How to sticking to IF while struggling mentally and craving comfort food?

I’ve 28f been depressed most my adult life, but i’ve been in therapy for the last 3 years and doing mostly good now. But here’s the problem: food was always a comfort for me on the not so good days, hence the weight gain.

I’m only on week 2 of IF and today is the first day I struggled and craved food. Have only 2h left until my eating window and i plan on maybe treating myself a bit today.

Is there someone who’s (been) in a similar situation and how do you deal? Does it get better? A few nice words would be appreciated

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Same. I found that by eating more meat I curbed a lot of those cravings and that need. I also eat a bit later than when I started and that helped. I like going to bed still feeling full, I find it comforting. Hopefully you get some more suggestions posted and you find what works for you. I’m proud of you for working on yourself.


If you’re craving something specific, like say a jelly-filled donut, tell yourself that it will be your reward for after completing your fast. By the time you’re ready to eat, you might not even be craving that donut. If you are, eat it! You earned it! Just make sure you eat it with or after something more substantial so you don’t end up binging on multiples.


It’s still early days. Drink a glass of water every time you feel hunger. And don’t feel bad for the occasional treat after your fasting window if it keeps you motivated. I found that my body quickly told me it wanted healthier calories at eating time and the cravings soon went away. Amazing how a sugar headache or upset stomach from fatty foods can quickly help you cut out the junk. 😁

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Categories: struggling weight gain struggle eating window meat reward binging calories sugar stomach