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How valid is the Medical Medium Diet/detox program?

I’v been reading the Medical Mediums book “Cleans to heal” and it looks like a difficult diet to adhere to. Cutting out grain, dairy, eggs, all meat except wild fish seems extreme. But other stuff like Spirulina, Dulse, blueberries, bananas, cilantro and celery make sense.

I was wondering what people thought of this guy and his approach and if there is some validity to it or is it just a fad.

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Scam. Focus on a varied diet of nutritionally dense unprocessed foods that hit all your macro and micro nutritional requirements for the day while keeping your calorie intake at or slightly below your tdee and you’ll be way more healthy in the short and long-term than people who try to get healthy by eating nothing but blueberries and fish for a month.


It’s not valid. Besides the fact that it’s not based whatsoever in science or even basic physiology (he makes crazy claims about how the body works that just… isn’t how it works), a one-size-fits-all approach will never work for everyone. I don’t like the word cleanse but there are cases where a elimination diet or therapeutic diet would be beneficial in the short term, however never this extreme and should be under the supervision of a provider. Coming from someone who used to believe in MM and now is pursuing a master’s in nutrition and now knows it is total BS- I’m sorry conventional medicine hasn’t helped you and that’s totally valid! But you will save a lot of time and heartache by finding a doctor or nutritionist you trust who can help you rather than trying to DIY


It’s not a scam.

Truly, only those who have chronic issues, and have done this cleanse for a month, have the authority to call it a scam. Please ignore all others.

I had terrible acne, restless leg syndrome, brain fog, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and OCD. To the point where I had to live with my parents and could barely function. I did the 28 day cleanse. All my symptoms disappeared. A month later I started making plans to travel the world, now that I could finally function. A couple months after that I left. I haven’t stopped traveling for three years now! Note that I have had to maintain a healthy diet though, or my symptoms do start to reappear, a little bit.


I think that your on the right track and I’m glad you’ve looked that far into the protocols. I wouldn’t say the leaving out dairy, meat, gluten, eggs and certain processed foods are extremes until you’ve fully tried it and see how those bug changes make you feel. Remember you can still have gf pasta, oatmeal, and he has a ton of really good recipes. I find myself eating like 6+ bananas a day in smoothies because they are so filling! Just try 3 days of no trouble maker foods and see how you feel!

Remember that medical medium has mostly helped people with chronic illness. The people who have tried all the doctors they can, all the meds and diet changes, and whi cannot live their regular lives. People with debilitating symptoms/ conditions who have dramatic reduced or stopped their symptoms swear by him, myself included. I find people who aren’t so sick can get away with applying somethings and staying pretty healthy and that’s great. People can take what they need and leave the rest without discrediting all the lives he’s changed. His Instagram is full of testimonies of people that were struggling with chronic illness to fully healed or healing.

Most people are quick to call things a scam but fail to do deeper digging and even experiment with themselves. Sometimes testing things out for our health is necessary, other than that its just speculation

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