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How would YOU lose 100 pounds(260lb to 160lb) in 4 months(June, July, August, September)?

Yes, I know that is very rapid, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I must be at 160lb by early October and I want to do it in the least negative side effects way possible.

Let’s just assume if YOU lost 100lb in 4 months, that you would win a $500 million lottery. Or whatever you would consider the equivalent of that. HOW would you do it?

What specific strategy and tactics would you utilize? 6,000 calories a week max? rolling 72s(2 hour refeed, right back at it) all the way to October? Several 5 day fasts to break through any potential plateaus, sprinkled throughout the 4 months? Will definitely be taking snake-juice as well as nutrients and supplements(creatine, fish oil, Vitamin D3)

Note: I will be lifting heavy, 4 days a week, through-out for a plethora of reasons: muscle-perseveration, hormonal optimization, etc. And maybe 1 hour a day of fast-walking. But that’s it for cardio. The vast majority of the weight loss will come from not eating.

Would greatly appreciate advice and input.

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Rolling 72s/96s with eating your TDEE strict keto with mostly fat in a 4 hour window and sauna 4 times a week. Getting plenty of sleep, reducing cortisol as much as humanly possible. I’d only exercise when my weight was down to 225. I think a longer fast (like 120 hours) is most helpful for getting back on track after a “celebration” like a wedding reception.


Check out my posts on my profile. A year ago I was desperate and tried to lose weight by going for extended fasts cold turkey. Did two of them last year over 20 days. Ultimately gained all the weight back. Such an unhealthy mindset.

This year I tried doing rolling fasts and have lost 50 lbs in the past two months! And I wasn’t even doing rolling fasts for all of that time. So that lines up with your expectations :) They’re so manageable and easy.

All I would say is please be safe and eat at BMR/maintenance during refeeds for nutrients, take a multivitamin, etc. Prolonged fasting can cause certain conditions in people (gallstones, gout, hair loss) although these seem to be rare based on how little they’re mentioned in fasting communities.

Good luck!


I would at least attempt 4 or 5 day long fasts, refeed on weekends, back to fasting and walk at least 3 miles a day, every day.

Also, take advantage of the summer weather and spend a lot of time outside since fasting makes me feel colder.


Let’s say your maintenance calories are 1800. I don’t know if that is true..this is just a model.

1800 x 7 = 12,600. 12,600 x 4 = 50,400.50,400 \ 3500 = 14.4lbs per month with zero calorie intake.

Can’t outpace the calorie game. You can up your daily activity levels and try to push for more.

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