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HRV and recovery doing rolling 48’s and 1500 cal refeed

I’ve been doing snake diet since March this year. I’ve reached my original goal weight from 240lbs to 180lbs. I feel like I could loose another 10lbs as my body fat is around 17%.

I use an Apple Watch and an app called training today to track my HRV. I workout 5 days a week twice a day.

Lunch time I cycle for 30 mins at 70% max HR or hit the heavy bag for 30 mins doing 8 x 2 min round with 1 min rest.

After work Mon,Wed,Friday I do Pavels simple and sinster program with a 24KG and 16KG kettlebell. Tues & Thursday I focus on pull up progressions and other body weight stuff. I try to finish every even workout with 3 x 10 push ups and ab wheel roll outs.

Since I use this HRV app to track my readiness to train I’ve notice I don’t seem to be recovering well. Original thought it was lack of sleep and carbs so I up both. I get about 7-8 hrs of sleep and added blueberries, raspberries and blackberries and Greek yogurt to my refeeds.

As I reach my initial goal I’ve noticed my recovery has gotten worse. For example this week Monday I was at 10 on the scale over the week it dropped to today where it is 0.9. I did my normal boxing workout at lunch but after work I just had no energy to train.

Wondering if any one else tracks there HRV. Or if any one else has noticed lack of energy or problems recovering as they got closer to there goal weight or 15% body or less.

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Just to add my usual refeed is 227g ribeye steak150g guacamole 100ml kefir shot200 g of Greek yogurt Handful of each blackberries, raspberries, blueberries 1oz of Gouda

This totals about 1500 calsI pretty much eat the same thing every refeed. Some thing might change recently I’ve added 2 fried eggs and yesterday I had a protein shake trying to watch my macros and increase protein.

As my diet and training and sleep have been the same the only thing I can think of is I have less fuel (body fat)

My thoughts are:I am over training?I need to eat more cals to support my training?I need to adjust my macros, more carbs more protein?More sleep?

Grateful for any advice, insight or anecdotes


30 mins at 70% max HR is what is making you tired. You’re essentially doing HIIT 5 days a week and that’s a lot. Also, yeah it does get harder the leaner you are. You have to really fight for the body fat to come off the lower body % you get. This is why people choose to do LISS instead of HIIT, it’s just way more sustainable and you recover much better, especially when your body is in ketosis from fasting. IMO, you should halve your HIIT sessions and/or replace it with LISS.

Edit: I read your comment below, if you don’t seem to be recovering, then yeah, I’d say you’re overtraining. Low impact cardio for longer periods will definitely help. People tend to burnout when overtraining so please take it easier. You got this!

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