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hunger & low dose daily progesterone

Is there anyone in perimenopause? Taking daily low dose progesterone?

I started a little over a month ago. This month I missed my cycle. Kinda freaked me out as my cycle is still pretty regular. I guess that’s a side effect of taking low dose progesterone daily. No cycle.

Also, I’ve struggled mightily with hunger. I thought maybe because I was close to my goal weight. But I’m reading that taking progesterone can increase ghrenlin - the hunger hormone.

Does anyone have experience with this?

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I’m on low dose progesterone. It took me a while to fix my ghrelin, but what worked for me is going as close to zero carb as possible with some fasting mixed in. TBH, I’m not sure I would have attributed the hunger to progesterone. I think it was more about not really being completely fat-adapted.

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