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Hydration - retaining water


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No fear mongering but constant urge to pee could be diabetes related, your body tries to get rid of the glucose.

I drink minimum 3l water every day and in addition coffee. Normal toilet rhythm and only once per night basically 4-5 in the morning when I have to go up anyways.


Your body knows how much fluid you need. Too much water dilutes the electrolytes. You could try drinking salt water, but extra fluid just increases blood pressure and bloats your cells. It’s not a benefit


I mean, it’s healthy to drink water and pee it out. As long as you’re not having issues, like having the urge to pee but nothing comes out, you’re fine

Check the colour of your pee. Almost colourless with a bit of yellow? Perfect. Clear? Dial it back. Dark? Dehydrated

Lol I’ve never heard of someone wanting to retain water… usually people hate bloating


You should assess your salt/potassium intake from foods as well as veggies and fruits. Despite the ancient wisdom of avoid salt/sodium your body needs it. Unless you are predisposed with genetic issues around salt and hypertension you may be under consuming what you need. Or you could be over consuming water. Most of what I read lately seems to indicate our body absorbs the water from foods and most of what we drink is used to flush waste primarily.

From my experience the color of your urine only really helps when you are not taking in enough water. Drinking too much it wont tell you anything. consuming too little and it will be dark and pungent. So first thing I’d say to do is take a look at the diet, if you’re taking in a good share of veggies/fruit and you’re getting a good amount of sodium intake - maybe your body is OK with the balance. Plus you didn’t mention how you feel with more or less - which can be an indicator as well

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Categories: diabetes glucose coffee oil morning electrolytes blood pressure bloating potassium fruit sodium