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I am beginning a 21 day fast

I am doing it to cleanse my body and let it deep clean itself and revitalise itself, to feel hot, for my skin, so my body can regenerate and do everything it’s been wanting to do. Feast must be balanced with fasting. I’m going to ride this out and know that it will be a new experience for me and feel weird but that I can trust that I’m going to be fine as I go through it. Many people have fasted before. And it’s healthy.

This is going to be a personal, intimate experience and I’m excited to feel the changes that I’ll experience in myself and watch as I become purer in front of the mirror. I am excited to see how I change and transform. You can lose a lot of weight in 30 days. I’m mostly doing it for my health and to regenerate myself.

I know I will be unhappy at points as food has been a distraction from my real emotions and I’m nervous about what I’m going to find as I fast. I will be patient with my feelings if I come to be really desperate to eat. Because I know that God is basically taking the ropes and going to take care of me. I’ll need to be conservative with my energy because I’ll be more sensitive so I’ll be mindful about where I put myself. It’s a great opportunity as I am unemployed. I’m going to discover many great things about myself. I’m going to feel like the beautiful person I was always meant to become. I am going to become this and I feel ready for it.

I know it will be a process and I’ll be left to find things I need to do in my day. But I’m not going to eat and I’m really excited to discover what is going to happen for me. I know this is right for my skin, everything. It’ll tone and tighten me and make my skin less saggy and regenerate me.

Bring it on. I’m honestly unhappy my face is sagging at 19 but I know fasting always makes me look amazing and I’m excited to see the result and return to my body’s true balanced state. I will be discovering things!!

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Well to demystify things a bit your body is already in a state of balance. It is based on your diet and habits so the temporary band-aid of fasting is only going to upset that balance temporarily. Feast balanced by fasting is what you would call an eating disorder.

There is no such thing as detoxing; your body is quite amazing at getting rid of toxins. The ones it can’t get rid of? Well, that’s when they build up in a hurry and you die a quick death. As Paracelsus said hundreds of year ago, ‘the dose makes the poison’. Even sugar have a toxic level as evidence by the type 2 diabetes explosion in industrialized nations. It may take you a day to ‘cleanse’ your body of sugars, but the damage already done will still be there and will require a lot longer for your body not to ‘detox’, but to heal.

Having said that fasting does have a very nice spiritual side. It is great when your stomach empties and you find sort of a hormonal silence. You also get to see how your habits work; what actually make you want to eat (spoiler alert; the overwhelming majority of food cravings are not a physical need, but either an insulin spike or a habit) then you can take control. Seeing behind the curtain allows you to take command of your impulses and use it to build a new body balance.


Keep sharing this journey! I am thinking about doing a 7 days fast once a month with the full moon, max i did was 3 days, so i am looking to find the kinds of brain tricks i am going to have to endure…

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