| | Water Fasting

I am doing 20/4 for the next 5 days

I am doing 20/4 for the next 5 days to see how I like it and if I want to continue longer. I would just do OMAD but I like dinner and my fruity desserts before wind down time. 2 weeks ago I did a five day gallon a day water fast and it went really well and I didn’t binge after. I just didn’t feel the best and couldn’t exercise hardly at all after day 3 before feeling completely physically exhausted. I feel my normal self again and have done well maintaining the weight loss while eating normal again. I just kinda feel that the regular fasting takes too much recovery time to achieve more than quick weight loss. I am trying to give my guts a good rest from all the bad I shoved into it over my life and especially from the first two years of Covid. But I still want to be able to keep up with my (to be honest, light) exercise routine I have. I hope this works better for me.

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IME it’s not unlike exercise in that it becomes more natural with time. Try it, but if you don’t like it try 16/8, then 18/6, then 20/4.

I used to get low energy if I tried 20/4 for a single day. Now I do 20/4 all the time without issue. If you go from never exercising to circuit training it’s going to hurt, you may find yourself better off working up to it. Like anything, nothing wrong with failing and trying again, you develop your endurance over time.

Higher quality / more nutritious calories make it easier of course. Enjoy.

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