| | Water Fasting

I am preparing for a 30 day water fast

Hello everyone, I have been watching water fasting videos for a like 2 weeks straight and now I feel it is exactly what my body needs. Basically a reset so I can be a healthy eater after. I just wanted advice for anyone who’s done long fasts, I always hear about magnesium and adding salt to water, how much salt do I add to a bottle of water, how much water should I drink in a day? Where can I get magnesium? How do you reintroduce food after the fast, how long does it take to have a full meal after the fast? Any advice would help. Btw I am 19yr old female 5’2 weighing 173 pounds. I want to lose alot in my midsection and overall start eating healthier. This fast is to help me overcome my sugar and food addiction because I can’t go a second without anything in my mouth. I want to challenge myself.

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I commend you for gearing up for a 30 day fast. If you’ve never fasted before, don’t be too hard on yourself if you end the fast early, or if you decide to put some refeeds in there. In 2020, I did 28 fasts. Most were 48-72 hours, and two of them were 96 hours. I lost about 75lbs, but sadly I gained it all back over the following 19 months. I’m now back to fasting. I did a 72 hour fast two weeks ago and am halfway through my 2nd 72 hour fast as I write this. I plan to only do 72 hour fasts (typically Fri, Sat, Sun) unless I have to work over the weekend. The best advice I got was from watching Cole Robinsons Snake Diet videos - when you start just do a 72 hour fast to prove to yourself that you can do it. I took that advice back in 2020 and amazed myself that I was able to accomplish it. As a result, I ended up doing 28 fasts that year. Unfortunately I got away from fasting because I got into weightlifting & TRT (I’m a late 40s male) and was mistakenly worried that I would lose my muscle gains. So I went 19 months without fasting but unfortunately gained all the weight back. Now I see this as more of a lifestyle as opposed to a short term means to an end. I am eager to quickly get the weight off, but I will probably never again go another 6 months without doing a fast. So my advice is to start with a 72 and treat this more as a lifestyle. You can certainly be successful at a 30 day, but if you choose that, go in with the mindset of “lifestyle” as opposed to “one and done”. You’re going to do great and keep up posted! 👍

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