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i broke my fast and i feel terrible.

I started IF seriously about 3 weeks ago and was doing pretty well. I currently have a 16/8 pattern. While i have tried IF in the past but as soon as i lost weight or started feeling better, i would take it easy and go back to my old eating habits eventually. I wanted to take it seriously this time and this is the longest I’ve stuck to it and honestly, i feel amazing. Skin is clearing up, i feel like i have more energy and i have fewer hunger pangs. I also feel like I’m more mindful with my eating habits. That said, today was the absolute worst. I broke my fast and consumed more calories than i should have. I know we’re bound to slip at times, but I’m afraid this will become a regular thing and I’ll eventually lose all progess. How do you guys handle days like these? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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I just try not to let the frustration and disappointment in myself take over. You may not be able to erase the calories you ate, but you can make your next decision a healthy one. Get in a (or an extra) workout today. If you eat anymore, make sure it’s a light, healthy meal. Know that one mistake doesn’t erase your weeks of progress, and know you are capable of getting right back on track.


Any time I get anxiety about eating out of schedule I lay off fasting for that day, because with a (very long ago) history of eating disorder I never ever want to devolve into obsession around fasting.

Be gentle with yourself, it’s a long road and taking breaks will not slow your overall progress really, it’s immaterial. Relax for a day and start again tomorrow. Remember you are doing this to care for your body because you love it.


If you like sticking to a plan, schedule a re-feeding day into your week and get rid of the guilt that you’ve messed anything up. Have a meal or even a day of indulgements once a week. I do it every weekend followed by an extended fast 36-48hr and it can actually help kick some weight off. Be kinder to yourself even if you do “slip up.”


Re-frame from day to day into week to week. Trainers teaching, slipped a day, make it up on the next. Allows better life planning enjoy meals with friends and family and hit it hard on those days with nothing to little to interrupt pattern.

Make it something that you can maintain, else old habits slip back in.

Streaks are great, but will be broken. Lifestyles aren’t broken. Good luck.

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