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I cant get past the 16 or 19 hour mark and it makes me feel worthless

How do i go past it

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Nothing should ever make you feel worthless, especially not fasting. You can go hours without eating, but can you go an hour without shaming yourself? Take care of your feelings, my friend. They matter as much as your body. :-)


Try to go for a week instead of just a few days. An hour drive doesn’t seem so long if it is part of a 10 hour drive! I promise I’m not trolling you.

Also if you change the time you eat, it can be easier to get over that 24 hour hump. Eat a big meal at 3pm and then eat the next day at dinner. Obviously keep yourself occupied while fasting.

It’s a mental game. I tell myself that I control every other urge I have. If I get tired, I don’t just go to sleep. If I get horny I don’t just bang or rape the nearest hot guy I see… I am in control of my body. What’s a little hunger? Think of all the hard things you have done in your life, and you can’t stand being a little hungry for a few hours? You’re better than that.


Try prepping for your fast. 2 days before, stop all carbs. This will let your blood sugar stabilize. Day before, eat lots of high fiber high water veggies. This will make you feel full.

Make dinner your last meal. You ‘ll start with a night of sleep to get hours into your fast easily. Keep busy all day. When you feel like eating, wait 25 minutes. The urge will pass.

Finally: there’s no one way to fast. Really hurting? Have some good quality bone broth. It delivers flavor and satiety with very few calories . Have some tea. Have some zero cal Powerade. Don’t feel it’s all or nothing.

When you can get to 24 hours, skip dinner and and ta da! You’ve done a 36 hour fast!

I also promise myself a true reward breakfast to end it. I focus on that, just waiting for me when I finish.

Focus on the trend. A thousand baby steps equals one giant leap. You can do this! Just be kind to yourself!


When I do longer fasts, I do some prep work. I will do strict keto, so my body is already in fat burning mode. I make sure meals are premade or easy for my hubby, since I do longer fasts, when he’s at work and I don’t hear him in the kitchen. I also avoid the kitchen as much as possible. I keep myself busy, usually reading or taking an online (udemy) course and definitely not making the grocery list. 😂 I would suggest Dr. Mindy Pelz’s YouTube videos for more ways to prepare. Also, if you did 19 hours, try stretching it to 20 next time. You don’t run a marathon without training, same with your fasting muscle. Please don’t feel worthless and don’t compare yourself to others. All of our bodies are different. 💜💜

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Categories: tea dinner sleep carbs blood sugar fiber to fast liver calories 36 hour fast reward keto mindy pelz muscle