| | Water Fasting

I can’t make 24 hours.

I have done a few fasts over the last few years, including a 14 day one. I have been wanting to complete a couple 24 hour ones a week and work back up to a 3 day and then a 7 day. But by 7:00 am I am feeling so nauseous if I haven’t eaten. I wake up at 5 and I am at work by 6:30. I’m a teacher, so it’s really hard for me to just push through nauseousness in the morning. On the weekend I make it to about 9:30 am and was so sick feeling. It’s not even a hungry feeling (I don’t have many hunger cues) but eating is the only way I can make it go away. I’ve even tried drinking coffee (with and without creamer), diet sodas, carbonated water, and apple juice when I get nauseous, but it hasn’t helped. I am 5’4” female, 200 lbs. Any advice?

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Well, taking any carbs definitely won’t help (and breaks your fast in all definitions that I’m aware of).

Just do 16’s. This is not like riding a bike, it is like running a 10k: after several months without running, you don’t jump into a 10k again, you come back slowly. Also, if you are not able to finish, you don’t push through and risk hurting yourself, you take a rest, let your body and mind recover and try again later.


The word keto is overused. Try going low carb for a while. It sounds like you are having carb withdrawals. LC helps immensely with cravings. It drops insulin levels which reduces hunger. This takes a while, maybe a couple of weeks to adapt. Once you do this it’s way easier. Eating high carb is counterproductive, most especially when you are overweight and trying to burn fat. It spikes insulin which increases hunger.


Talk to your doctor about phentermine. Be honest about everything and your plans to fast. You need about 2 weeks worth, low dosage to get used to fasting without hunger pains.

I’m not a drug pusher! I am fasting, intermittent fasting, and trying to change my eating habits. My doctor is helping me through all this and phentermine has helped so much get rid of my appetite.

But nothing is perfect or magical.

…. its basically a less powerful version of speed


Work your body up to it. Start eating clean the week before you attempt to cleanse. Cut out caffeine. Cut out hard to digest foods. Eat light. First thing in the morning drink 10-20 oz of warm water with the juice of 3 limes and some salt. Also remember you are in control of your body. Your body isn’t starving. When you get those intense cravings, remind yourself that it’s for your health and that you can do ANYTHING. The only reason we can’t do anything is because we think we can’t. You CAN.

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Categories: tea morning sick coffee soda carbs recover keto low carb overweight to fast pain intermittent fasting habits magic digest