| | Water Fasting

I completed my first 24 hours fasting yesterday!!

I have been intermittent fasting since November of last year and I started it at 14:10 and gradually moved to 16:8 and yesterday I decided to push myself through and go all the way to 24 hours. I actually ate at 24.5 hour mark. I felt great and I am very motivated to continue doing that. I have been on keto for 7 months and it has been difficult to lose weight. I’m hoping be fasting for longer hours and/or going OMAD, I get a jump start.

Are there any suggestions or recommendations you may have? I would love to hear your experiences and what worked/ didn’t work for you in this journey.

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I’ve only been doing OMAD for a month but I’m going strong and am seeing good results. Im actually having to force feed myself during feeding because the weight is coming off quickly and I don’t want to exceed 2lb loss per week. Note: I work from home so my calorie expenditure is low compared to those who are active. If you can commit yourself to OMAD I’m sure you will be guaranteed results as has been my experience. Here are some random things that are working for me. Mentally I’m in the zone and determined. Feeding is mid day (haven’t needed to calorie count and I make sure it’s a hearty meal with quality whole foods) as I would be more apt to binge eat in evenings and would be more apt to reach for alcohol. Following some Keto principles loosely to keep appetite at bay but I’m not too strict. Staying hydrated and also drinking my teas (Yerba mate in morning and herbal teas in the PM). Adding teaspoon of ACV to sparkling mineral water makes a nice after meal drink and get past the harsh taste. Also black coffee prepared in a press. Following some electrolyte recommendations found on /fasting.


Congrats on the milestone!

I also got serious into intermittent fasting since november, and started with 16/8. I really like that schedule. But since januari I sometimes hit the 20 hours without even knowing. So i recently was switching between 20/4 and 16/8.

And today I hit the 24hour mark, and still counting.Now I know it isnt very hard to hit 24hours I will extend it and see how far I can stretch it. My goal is to do a 72hour fast in the near future, so I have bought electrolytes/himalya salts to make it a little easier on my self.

I am very excited to see where this journey will bring me.


Glad to hear! I can definitely relate about freed up mental space. I had done LCHF for about a year and had incredible results and brought weight within a healthy BMI. However, I was always in a half starved state and was obsessed with preparing recipes that simulated what I was restricting. I’m only doing electrolytes at feeding since it’s less of an issue with OMAD than more serious extended fasting. I know there are different schools of thought on when electrolytes should be ingested. All the best to you on your efforts!


I’m trying keto while 18:6. Do you have any idea why it didn’t work for you? I’m only on day 4 so it’s too soon for me to know if it is working for me. So far I’m down 2.4 lbs but I don’t know what that means. Water weight I guess.


Congrats! Personally, OMAD has worked very well for me. I feel great, able to focus on my work (PhD student) and exercise an hour a day.

Over the past 5 months, I’ve lost about 34 lbs! 159 starting weight, 4’11.

I’ve done a couple 2MAD days, and several 72 h fasts. What’s great about IF is that it’s flexible!

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