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I could use a pep talk!

I just finished two months of IF and I am so blown away by everyone’s results on this sub in just their first months! I feel like there is something wrong with me that I’m not getting similar results and I don’t have anyone to discuss it with IRL.

I’ve lost 4kgs (8.8lbs) from 76 to 72kg since I started but most of my victories have been non-scale - it’s hard for me to see it physically because the changes are so gradual but I’ve apparently lost 4.5 inches around my hips and waist each.

For context, I’m 5’2”, 27F. I feel a little discouraged despite the inches loss and would like to know, is the scale weight really that important?

I am definitely going to keep going but morale has taken a hit this week

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First, Congratulations! 4 inches is a lot! I wish I had lost that much from my waist in two months, but I don’t think I did, although I lost a considerable amount of weight and fit into some old clothes now.

Point being that weight isn’t really important. I’ve seen people with the same weight look completely different, the difference being they’re toned after exercising for years, not just days or months.

Also, progress is subjective. If you feel and know that you’re making progress based on how you fit into your clothes better or having more energy and having less aches and pains then you’re progressing and achieving something, and what you’re doing is working for you.

Don’t compare your progress to other people’s. Be kind to yourself. I actually have some people comment on mine that there’s no difference at all or that I just changed my posture lol. But I see it. I feel it. And I know I’ve achieved something even though I’m not at my goal weight yet.

You’re doing great. If you let your inner critic mess with you then it’ll make you stop what’s already working for you. Just keep going :-) and sometimes it helps to not check others’ progress once in a while ;-)


Everyone loses weight differently. Bodies change and develop differently. Especially as you get older.

I guess it all depends on your end goal. Do you want to look better? Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to have better control over what or how you eat?

Figure out what is most important to you. If it honestly is just a number, that’s fine, but you may be chasing it for a while.

I was always fixed on a number. I would always tell myself, once I get to 199lbs I will be happy. Then I started seeing people with similar body structures as mine on r/progresspics. They had similar SW, GW and stats (even down to the same age). Some hit their GW and honestly I still wouldn’t be happy with the results. Then some ended with a GW of 215lbs, but had more muscle development and it looked a lot closer to what my end goal would look like for me.

What I’m trying to say is, sure your measurable weight is a great quantifiable representation of your progress. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is really what you are looking to accomplish. If it is consume less calories and consumer higher quality calories (ie. Limit processed foods) and be more active. It sounds boring, but that’s really what will work .


Hey, don’t be discouraged, it’s working! 4kgs in one month is not nothing. It’s actually a pretty healthy weight loss. Some people will lose faster than others (Generally speaking, men tend to lose faster than women. Young people tend to lose faster than older ones. Obese people tend to lose faster than non-obese people.)

Personally, the few times I’ve been on a diet, I’ve found that it’s a really slow start. When I first started IF, it took 3 weeks to really start seeing the scale go down, but I felt (and looked) less bloated. Also seems to depend a lot on my cycle.

I would also say that it’s just a number. The mirror, and the clothes, are what really count. Take pictures regularly, it will be easier to see.


No way! Congratulations on the weight loss! Don’t be discouraged at all and don’t compare yourself to others. You be you and from what you wrote you’re doing unbelievable. And you lost almost 5 inches off your waist! Just continue focusing on IF and get a scale to count your calories. That’s when I saw the most impact in my diet. Again great job and good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey!


Ummm…just stick with it. No one is the same and everyone has a different journey. When I started IF I was 265-270….it took 3 months to start noticing results. CW 217and maintaining. It’s a marathon…not a sprint.

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