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I did it; I lost over 20 lbs since July, and am at the weight of my youth

I weighed 124 lbs (F, 5 feet 6 )all my life without working on it. After I had kids at 39 and 41, my weight started creeping up. I was never super heavy, but no end in sight. Also, I don’t have curves so I just start looking like a blob.

Started my weightloss journey at 145 lbs in July 2021, did IF different windows whatever works, and also took breaks.

I am back at 124 lbs. At my age, I’ll probably never be able to have three meals a day so I’ll continue with IF, having breakfast and a big lunch - that should do it for maintenance.

It’s fabulous to feel this light again. I have a spring in my step as opposed to dragging the equivalent of a bag of dog food with me everywhere.

Also, friends have been telling me how good I look. Even if you are older, losing weight makes you look more youthful.

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Congrats. Considering you were already pretty close to your weight, aren’t in your 20s, and didn’t weigh a lot to begin with, that’s a pretty massive feat to lose 20lbs in that span of time.

That’s also really nice that you can do breakfast and lunch, skipping dinner. Is that hard for you with a family? I have to skip breakfast, since dinner is important family time, and it was just too awkward to skip dinner.


Wow!! Congratulations! I’m in my late thirties and have a year old right now. I used to weight around 130lbs consistently, I have higher muscle mass so I always weighed more than I looked.
After my second baby plus Covid, I hit the highest weight of my life 158lbs. I felt terrible and self conscious, and my baby weight didn’t drop until I started circadian IF. I’ve been doing it like you, slowly adjusting and many cheat days, but helped me to stay on. I’m three months in and now I am just below 150lbs!I have 15lbs more to go but it’s been steady and slow lately. I was starting to lose motivation but your post is giving me some positive outlook!Way to go! I bet you look and feel fantastic!!


Awesome!! I’m trying to do the same. I’ve been 110 - 115 (5’2” F) my whole adult life before kids, and before the pandemic. I was 130 around Thanksgiving, and now I’m 124 after being on IF 3 weeks. I think the end of January I’ll be at 115.

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