| | Water Fasting

I did it!!!!! My first 24 hour fasting is now complete!!!!

Sooooo this just happened!!

I started by doing 18:6 for a month. Then I moved to 20:4 for 2 weeks. Today I did my first ever 24 (25 actually) hour fast and feel AMAZING to say the least! Honestly I could have kept going on but decided to break it anyways.

For those of you who do this regularly, how often and, if done consecutively, what’s your eating window before starting again?

I started my fast from my last meal at 1:00pm yesterday and ate only at 2:00pm today. Only time I felt hungry was at night during dinner but it went away pretty quick once I fell asleep. Morning was super hectic so didn’t get a chance to think about my hunger. Now wondering where to from here and how to maintain this going forward.

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Depends on your stats. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose you could do it every day. Also depends on how much you can eat in one sitting and what your daily needs are. Some people can eat one meal a day (OMAD) for maintenance and not lose weight if they take in enough calories and still get some of the other benefits from IF.

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Categories: 24 hour fast eating window dinner sleep morning eat one meal a day omad lose weight calories