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I don't understand IF.

I lost a lot of weight before and gained it all back. I want to try IF. If I understand it correctly, I have to not eat until the evening? I started going back to the gym a few weeks ago and want to put IF in my routine.

Do I just not eat until like 6pm or so and then only eat once and that’s it? The problem is, if I don’t eat at lunchtime, I can’t function in the gym. I am already eating less than 1200 calories a day so it makes it really hard.

I lost 60+ pounds in the past by limiting my calories and I don’t feel hungry - but if i don’t eat before and after the gym I will crash hard.

Is IF not an option for me then?

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Intermittent fasting means that you have an eating window, usually at most 6 to 8 hours, often less, and which you eat, and you consume no calories the rest of the time. So, for example, I eat between 2 PM and 10 PM, or often a smaller window.

It works best if you eat at least moderately low carb because carbs are what typically make you crash and feel hungry, but that’s not a requirement. Neither is any sort of calorie count.

However, if you’re only eating 1200 cal a day, you probably not eating nearly enough (especially fats and protein) and that’s likely why you’re having issues at the gym, not when you eat. It’s also likely why you’re having a hard time keeping the weight off - I’m guessing you’re starving yourself and then binging because you’re so hungry and have lots of forbidden foods.

I’ve lost weight by eating low carb, doing IF, and tracking my food using the Lose It! app. And I eat considerably more than 1200 cal a day.

Keep in mind that permanent weight loss isn’t something that you do for a short period – it’s a lifestyle that you have to maintain forever. That means you need to find a way to eat that is sustainable. And 1200 cal is not sustainable for anyone.


The weigh gain took a while. I’m not nearly as heavy as I was, but being at home during the pandemic with nothing to do and the gym being closed made it creep up.

I’ve lost 10lbs in a month but want to lose it quicker. I used to run 3 miles after work, then go to the gym for 4 miles on a treadmill and then light weights. But the damned cold weather in NY makes it impossible to run outside.

I’m looking for something to speed up the weight loss. I want to lose 30lbs between today and April. I have a very high endurance, even though I am obese (230 - 5’ 10”) and really want to max out my potential.

I just need energy for the gym and something to supplement the 3 mile loss of running outside.


Please note that while “late” eating windows seem to be very common in this sub, it’s whatever time works best for you.

My window is usually 9:30am-5:30pm and if logistics allowed me to make it earlier, I would. I do fine with not eating in the evening after a filling meal, but I often don’t do well at work in the morning when I need to delay breakfast too long.


It can totally work for you. But i don’t know that you have a basic understanding yet.

Maybe search for videos by Jason Fung to get more of the basics.

If you like to read, read Obesity Code by Jason Fung to understand why fasting works. Read Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens to understand how to do it.

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