| | Water Fasting

I fainted on after 72h.

Hey guys. Last week i finished a 5 day death dry fast where i was doing soft dry and did 1-2h sauna every day for 5 days. And i felt great. Then i broke it on wednesday, and started a new dry fast aiming to go for 14 days, but only doing sauna the first 3 days, and then go on the rest with hard dry and only being home relaxing.

But, just now…i was in a sauna for only 10m or so and my heart beat was racing like hell, i believe it was anywhere from 160-200. When i went out to take a break because i felt it drained me, i went straight into cold shower..not super cold but cold enough to really cool down. Instantly after getting that cold shower i started feeling my heart pumping really HARD, and then it slowed down and suddenly i didn’t feel any pumping, and i started getting dizzy and fainted straight down with face down, and when i woke up i could feel my heart pumping but was still a little out of it, so i got scared and took a sip of water.

Some days ago i read someone on here saying that its not advices to jump atraight into a prolonged dry fast after another, and that one should take some time in between, and i am guessing the reason for that is to get our body time to absorb up the electrolytes that we consume? Maybe the body doesn’t take up all of it once one breaks the fast?

Any thoughts? The reason i am doing a death fast, only the first 2-3 days is to sweat out all the excess water that i have held after my previous fast when i broke it. The reason for that is to push my body into a water deficit so it starts making metabolic water from fat stores quicker.

What are your thoughts?

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WTF! You’re calling it a “death fast” - do you think that’s not a possible consequence of what you’re doing?

Dr Filonov says you need to cease fasting when your pulse exceeds 120 beats per minute, it sounds like you pushed yourself far too hard beyond this point.

I know you said the sauna’s worked well for you in last week’s fast, but you’re playing with fire on this.

I don’t know why you feel this desperate, but please take it down a notch. If you need healing then stick with water fasting. If you need to lose weight, there are better more sustainable ways.

I really hope you’re feeling better after fainting. Please monitor yourself.


Brother, I am sorry this happened to you but let this be a lesson to you and others here. I have been preaching for a couple months now time to time on this sub that the way people are fasting is going to do more damage than good. These “death fasts” should never be done. Fasting for more than 3 days, doing a few day refeed, then jumping back into an extended fast should never be done. You are not giving your body enough time to heal back up, replenish hydration, and let the spike in cortisol from fasting simmer down.

What you essentially did was run a marathon (a high-stress, cortisol spiking event that is known to dehydrate even healthy people and completely deplete electrolytes) out in the scorching hot sun (death fast). You completed it, felt like a champion, and decided to do it again IN A FEW DAYS. Do you not see what is wrong here with this picture? Of course your body was going to give out.


It’s not the dryfasts it’s the sauna. You can perfectly do back to back dryfasts. But, throwing saunas on top of that is going beyond dry. The body can’t keep up with that pace of change in burning energy. Dryfast is already pushing the body to 95-99% usage. No need to do saunas after the previous fast. 1 day of dryfasting is good enough to release all the water from your break.


Why would you sauna on a dry fast thats absolutely nuts 😑 take it easy on your body on dry your losing water and nit replenishing it so why would you rush the process if losing water even if it means toxin release..


My thoughts are to calm it down. You’re torturing your body. This is too much and you don’t need to go this hardcore. A dry fast for a few days once a month and water fasts the other weeks are going to get results if you stick to that. Maybe a prolonged dry fast a few times a year. You’re going to hurt yourself.


First of all it sucks you fainted. I have only ever fainted once in my life and it was when i was 17 years old and the sickest I ever got. I fainted in the shower and when I woke up I was half in and half out of the shower. Tore the curtan down and everything. I have no idea how long I was laying there. Guess its a good thing my top half was the part out of the shower.

I believe in giving your body rest between fasts. like 48 hours minimum I would say. You probably over taxed your system.

I want to hear about the results you got on the 5 day death fast. I am a big believer in death fasting. I posted about my experience doing it on here a while back. 50 hours death fasting and i lost a net of 4 pounds after rehydrating.


Hahaha I see you snake dieter, I think because you drastically changed temps so quickly it shocked your nervous system. Just walk out of the sauna and naturally cool down, especially if you weren’t dizzy coming out. Just sit down, relax and wait it out next time.


My guess is jumping From one dry fast to the next isn’t your problem. It is the sauna. Dry fasting is already a stressor on the body and you are adding to it with saunas (which make me dizzy even when not fasting) and then to go straight from a sauna to a cold shower…Not everyone’s heart can take those extremes, be careful.


If you are going to use saunas you might as well do water fasts. If you are really extreme just do intense exercise while water fasting, this will get you more results and cause you to burn through more fat than an inactive dry fast. Losing water weight is temporary and it comes right back.


Sauna during a dryfast is already a pretty retarded idea… but jumping from it to a cold shower after a heartbeat race is just begging for Big Big big trouble. You just shocked your whole body and exhausted to hell your nervous system… Congrats.

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Categories: dry fast heart electrolytes deficit water fasting lose weight extended fast cortisol stress energy water fast sick dry fasting