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I feel like exercise is bullshit

I play ball two/three times a week and I never lose after the fact. I lose more when I don’t/didn’t play and just faster.

I do drink more water and I will eat eggs just before a game so I don’t pass out.

Still according to my Apple Watch I’m burning like 1000 calories but I stay the same weight.

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I don’t know what to say, do you expect working out to be a 1 to 1 thing where you spend an hour in the gym and walk away losing 2 lbs? 1,000 calories isn’t even half of a pound.

It just doesn’t work that way. there are plenty of benefits to exercise for general health, as well as weight loss. But if you’re tracking your weight every day expecting to see immediate results from exercise, thats just not how it works.

First off, following an exercise your body will hold on to water. Its your body’s natural response to repairing muscle after a strenuous workout. So you really won’t see a big drop off in weight after a workout short of dehydrating yourself.

Second, the caloric burn of exercise is generally modest. But the after-effects continue. The act of repairing the muscles burns calories as well.

And lastly, having more muscle means your body spends more energy each day to repair/recycle even when you’re not working out. Raising your BMR.


My thoughts would be that exercise is not just for weight loss. It has numerous positive health benefits beyond just the number on the scale. It also triggers\accelerates many benefits of fasting such as autophagy, ketosis, etc. I would guess there are other factors contributing to your plateau and exercise is just catching the blame.


apparently fitness watch calories are off between 20% - 70% across every brand, not reliable for tracking calories. you are burning much less than 1,000 i can already tell you. you have to be doing endurance cardio to burn that much.


Something to keep in mind about exercise. Exercise builds muscle, and muscles weigh more than fat. You may be gaining weight, but who cares muscles are what gives you that toned fit look. Also, muscles burn more calories. I’m not saying you need to be a gym rat, but moderate exercise is good for your overall health.


I totally agree with you. I was steadily gaining weight while training for a marathon. Now I’ve been intermittent fasting for four months and have lost all of that extra weight. I no longer train for marathons, but I do walk/run three times a week. It doesn’t affect my weight loss at all. The only thing that affects my weight loss is the amount of carbohydrates that I eat. If I eat a lot of carbohydrates, then I gain weight. If I don’t, I stay the same or continue to lose weight. I am already below my goal weight, so intermittent fasting has worked beautifully for me. It has also cleared up my acne and helped my mental health way more than exercise ever did.

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