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I found out a friend of mine contracted HIV I want to recommend dry fasting.

Can dry fasting help reverse his disease? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

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You might want to check with Dr Filonov. He mentions it in his book. I have had no patients with AIDS in my practice, though L.A. Shchennikov told me that he had cases of treating this disease. https://dryfasting.info/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/S-Filonov-20QA-contents-A4.pdf


When you say “contracted HIV”, I presume you mean that they “tested positive” on one of these molecular detection assays. These tests are effectively meaningless. Is this person actually SICK? For an in-depth discussion of the subject, I recommend Peter Deusberg’s book:



This is complicated. There is a lot of evidence that fasting for viruses make’s it worse. When I fasted after I thought I was over covid it came back with a vengeance in a matter of hours. and i felt much worse than I did with the original infection.

But HIV also affects white blood cells in a beneficial way, causing the body to remake about 70% over a 3 day period. This is decently well studied in people with auto immune issues.

I’m sorry about your friend, but keep in mind HIV isn’t the death sentence it used to be. There are tons of drugs that will help him. Best to speak to a DR and read into any info you can find on google about HIV and Fasting.

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