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I gained 20lbs in 3 months


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Very gently, 108 pounds for your height is worryingly underweight, and severe dieting (whether fasting or any other form of food restriction) to try to get back to and stay at that weight could cause permanent damage to your health. Losing your period is a very, very clear sign of malnutrition. That 20 pounds you put on is actually good news, not bad news, and puts you at the lower end of the healthy weight range for your height. You’re nowhere near overweight.

If you only feel slim and beautiful when you’re exhausted, dangerously thin, and your body functions are actually shutting down, there’s good reason to think that you may have an eating disorder, or another form of body dysphoria. If that’s the case, fasting is very much NOT recommended. Are you able to see a qualified medical professional who can assess your health and nutrition and give you objective advice?

Please don’t just “keep going” to the point where you’re undermining your health rather than improving it.


Hi sis!From a 31 year old female who has been in your shoes… being 17 is hard for a million reasons, and your relationship with your body is one of them.108 pounds is too low. It could hurt you in the long run. It WILL hurt you in the long run.

I am not a mental health professional, and this is not a mental health thread, but please consider talking to a therapist. You may have an eating disorder which deserves really special care.

You ARE beautiful. No number on the scale should make you cry. Your body is so much more than what it weighs. Your body is a vessel to take you where you’re meant to go. And you’re not meant to be miserable.

And gently, maybe consider why you want hang out on a Reddit fasting channel. The folks here aren’t trying to starve themselves into being rail-thin. We are using a holistic method for getting healthy.

DM me if you need support. I’ve definitely “been there.” But do the world a favor and TAKE CARE of yourself.


So at 5’7 your BMI at 108 lbs would be 16.9, putting you underweight, thus the negative side effects. I would suggest you try to value your health more than your appearance, being healthy will overall lead to a more satisfying life. The CDC recommends a BMI of 18.5 to 25. So you should be aiming to weigh at least 118 lb, but if you are still feeling bad at that weight then even that might not be enough.


If you’re losing your period, you’re definitely under eating protein and fat. Make sure you’re eating foods that nourish and not just putting whatever is in arms reach in your mouth. The former is listening to your hunger cues. The latter is an eating disorder.


Same happened to me. I used ADF to lose 40 lbs but things on my body were suffering. So I ate more normally – did NOT pig out – and gained 30 back within weeks. I have decided fasting isn’t going to work for me in that capacity.

Some of the increased weight (probably about 10 lbs) is just the weight of food. When you are fasting your stomach and intestines don’t have a lot of food in there but when you eat every day, you are holding on to food in your body.


Personally it sounds like to me that you do need to focus on your diet but not as much to count calories but to focus on making every bite count. You need a more holistic (whole health) approach to your weight.

Your health is more than just how much you weigh. Everything is important. You need to exercise. A balance of cardio you enjoy plus some weight-bearing strength exercises. Muscle tone will make you healthier and bring you up to a healthier weight without making you look “fat”. You need to get proper sleep, water, and exercise regularly. Throw out the diets and calorie counting and eat “smart”. Ditch fast food and processed foods and make more of your own meals where you can control what goes in there. Start by getting some healthy well-balanced recipes off the internet. Make sure you get enough protein and count your macronutrients.


120- 130 is a good bodyweight for 5’7 female.

If you want to look better start weightlifting. Just squatting 2 times a week will make a huge difference in a month and half and after that a huge difference.

If you were fasting and at 108 and gain 20 pounds at least 10 pounds where not fat. It was carb stored as glycogen in the muscles.

I personally always gain back 16 pounds of glycogen when I get off a fast.

Just start lifting weights and you’ll have your dream body


You were definitely underweight at 5’7” 108 pounds. There is no way you are overweight at 128 pounds.

I’m going to be blunt, you need to see a counselor. I’m not going to diagnose anyone based on a two paragraph Reddit post but there’s a condition out there where people hold an incorrect belief how their own body looks. I’ve known two people with this condition that constantly strove to be skinnier because they thought they were overweight and everyone thought they were unhealthily underweight. Both are generally past it now from what I understand but it took work with professionals.


I will try to be gentle.

It sounds like you are just not eating and calling it fasting.

Fasting includes eating and the timing and the quality of the food you refeed is just as critical. If you feel bad at 108 then ut is not the right weight for you.

This is a fasting thread not a weightloss or weight gain thread. There are other threads for that.

I realize controlling your weight is one of the things you feel like you can control in your teens and there are other things to worry about rather than being too fat. Emotional development is critical. Try reading the book ‘I am enough’ and do the exercises. In 21 days you will be a different person

I’m 5’6” and 160 is my right weight. And my weight fluctuates 10 lbs either way in any given month. Weight is not a good indication of how you feel about yourself. I weigh more than most women of my height because I have lots of muscle and breast tissue and ass. Those all contribute to weight. So as your body changes and matures consider being willing to allow how you feel physically and how well you function to dictate your weight.

I wish you all the best and please find another measurement for how you evaluate your self-worth. The scale has a lot of fluctuations and isn’t a good indicator of who you really are. Who you really are is soo much more than your body and how you look.

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