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I got banned from /r/diabetes

I’ve been surfing at /r/diabetes lately, and I’ve responded to some posts with “type 2 diabetes can be reversed. Try a low carb diet and fasting. Check out Dr. Fung on youtube and his website.”

I haven’t gotten into any heated arguments or done any name calling. But just the mere suggestion of Dr. Fung and fasting is quackery, and got me banned.

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Wow, you know I thought about sharing with people and then thought Nah. If everyone wants to stay close minded then it can remain my little secret. The only advice any of them ever gave was to not skip breakfast and it is what started me on the path to getting diabetes in the 1st place. Nothing else ever worked for me and he (Dr Fung) has so discovered the answer. Someday the world will wake up to hat Dr Fung is teaching will it will become widespread but until then I will be one of the very very few who is cured.


As a type 2 who became interested in fasting and Dr. Fung’s videos ect, I can say at least to me it makes really good sense. As for getting banned from a group for suggesting it. Seems silly. I can say from my experience, I was told almost immediately that this will never be reversed. Had I not done my own research, I might have believed it too, and did for a short while. I’ve managed to get removed from one med, and to me that says the next one is possible too. Not to mention all the stories of people reversing it through diet and dedication.


It’s almost a religious dogma type deal going on. I managed to get my blood sugar under control with KETO but it killed my TSH and stalled out.

I started fasting in january and my blood sugar remains under control, when I’m not fasting I can eat almost whatever I want. I’ve also lost 90 pounds from the keto low (180 overall) with no stalls and it’s almost trivially easy.


I checked them out at one point. It was pretty clear that they were ADA party line all the way so I didn’t stick around. Good for you that you tried to help them. Maybe someone will look into it on their own.

I have a feeling there will be a turning point soon. The ADA facebook page got absolutely shredded a few days ago by 1000+ outraged posts against a sugary dessert recipe that they posted as part of some sort of “Diabetes Challenge” sponsored by… wait for it… Merck. Oh, they heard about that one. They ended up “apologizing” for the recipe and took it down, but you could tell they weren’t really sorry and hadn’t learned anything.

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Categories: diabetes low carb fung tea blood sugar keto sugar