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I have 140 pounds to lose, is there any sort of sustainable long term dry fasting routine to follow?

One of the biggest benefits to dry fasting is that it prevents loose skin. At least, I know that extended dry fasts do. I’m unsure if doing rolling 48 or 72 hour dry fasts continuously throughout the year will be as effective for loose skin prevention while dry fasting.


What I’d like to know is what is the most effective dry fasting routine long term for losing a crap load of weight and is sustainable long term (can be done even with going to college)

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Sustainable means you are still getting your essential nutrients while you fast. So on your eating window it needs to be the most nutrient dense you can make it, not only carnivore but grass fed carnivore, (5 times more nutrients) nothing farm raised. I am 55 and the problem I got is when I loose fat too fast (like in dry fasts) too much toxicity is released and gives me huge headaches. (Toxins are stored in fat)Keto, keto carnivore, and fasting is the best way to fix your metabolism and burn stored fat, but you need to still get essential nutrients, otherwise you may end up sick from deficiencies. My opinion.


Try intermittent dry fasting, it has helped me maintain weight even while slipping and eating junk.

You can definitely dry fast any time you feel like it, but extended night dry fasts are amazing because you don’t even feel deprived.

I’m able to do this daily and have for years now, so what I’m saying is this can be used indefinitely.

So I do agree with every other carnivore comment on here because it saved my life, but outside that definitely try an elimination diet so you can see what foods you thrive on and which trigger you.

We all know sugar feeds cancer, but a lot don’t know that most types of sugar do (aka Apple CEO killing himself with the fruitarian diet via pancreatic cancer, not saying the diet kills, but it kills those of us who are not suited for it) so eating only grapes doesn’t mean we’re avoiding sugar, we’re just getting more fiber with it, and it doesn’t really save us.

The list of things that kills us in the S.A.D. is too long to list, so instead I’ll post what I eat every day to stay in a euphoric mood, maintain a healthy weight and heal my health issues.

Breakfast 11:30 amEggs 3-4Bacon 4 strips or sausage two pattiesSalted for mineral contentSups: Super B plus, zinc, vitamin C and a multi vitamin

Snack -whenever I feel like lolCoffee with real full fat cream, iodine (for my thyroid) and stevia a few pinches (real stevia not a sucralose blend)Sups: D 5000 IU with Omega-3, K1 & K2

DinnerBeef, chicken, pork or fish I’ll eat till I’m full, usually 2-3 grass fed burgers, 1-2 small steaks, 1-2 fish fillets or 1-3 chick thighsSalted for mineral contentSups: magnesium and potassium

After this I’m usually so full I can’t snack or have dessert, I don’t count calories because it’s unnecessary on ketovore (I sometimes eat asparagus, green beans or berries, but it’s pretty rare, as in maybe once every few months) but say I cheated and now I’m hungry because I had a cupcake the day before for a birthday party, now I’m hungry because my body is running in glucose, I’ll then after dinner have a keto cocoa or some nuts with cinnamon and butter.

This keeps me in a happy mood almost all the time.I have no aches or pains.I don’t say this coming from a healthy body, I was 180lbs with endometriosis, thyroid disorder, estrogen dominance, migraines, eczema and suicidal depression.I came from that, to 125-130 lbs and having NO endo, NO issues and my show size dropped. How sick do you have to be to have such bad inflammation your shoe size is decreased by healing? This one still blows me away as I never have heard of this before.

I don’t want anyone to feel how I felt, ever, so I hope any of this helps you, you so deserve to be happy and healthy and at peace.

Wishing you everything good 😊


I would just water fast to make it plausible over time. You lose so much weight with proper water fasting that I think you’d be satisfied with the results while being less miserable. I lost 3 lbs scale weight (0.8lbs was fat) last night on Day 1 of a water fast and I’m really lean. Just my two cents—your solution needs to be plausible long term as a lifestyle or what happens when you lose the weight…? Best of luck—proper fasting is the best health weapon there is.


Do as long you can do, first refeed try to hit only your protein target by eating carnivore trying to avoid crazy amount of fat, load the meat with salt and drink plenty of snake juice and back to dry again, if carnivore worked for you keep that way, if not try some different approach for your meal, each individual react differently, impossible to give you a cake recipe that works perfectly. One other thing, walk, walk as much as you can, when dry fasting every step made is done by burning fat, so if you want to speed up move your fatass. =)How sustainable dry fasting is? I would say very little, it’s the most “extreme” thing you’ll ever do to lose your 140 pounds, if you don’t take this really serious it will works just like any other diet you done before and failed miserable, keep in mind the only problem is you, there’s no solution for your overweight if you don’t change the way and what you eat for the rest of your life, dry fasting will not fix your eating disorder.

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