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I haven’t lost weight in a month (on 16:8)…Am I doing something wrong?

Ok I started 16:8 in august but lost no weight (60kg) so I started eating 2 meals instead of 1 in October so right now I am 58.5kg. The scale won’t go down no matter what. Normally you are supposed to lose 0.5kg per week but this isn’t my case. I eat 2 steamed buns and a boiled egg for breakfast and two steamed buns and a low fructose fruit for dinner. I swim for 55mins, dance for 45mins and walk for 55mins everyday.

Edit. I am 160cm and my goal weight is 50kg

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How many calories are in the steamed buns? I just googled steamed buns and the first hit was around 250 calories per bun. So if you’re eating two of those twice a day, that’s 1000 calories. A boiled egg is is around 80 calories. If you’re eating a larger serving of fruit, it might be 200 calories. Your TDEE, if you are 160cm and 58.5kg is around 1500 calories. So depending on the caloric value of those buns, you might be eating at maintenance without even realizing it.

Also, your diet sounds like crap. Add in more vegetables or something to get more nutrients. You might lose weight, but you won’t be doing your body any favours having your diet come from mostly processed junk.


This does not sound like a balanced diet. Fiber? Iron? Instead of the buns have some lentils or whole grain rice, quinoa? Also have you checked your thyroid? Are you on medication? Are you actually in fat burning HR rate during those activities?


How tall are you? Is your goal a healthy weigth? 60 kilos is not much and either you are very small or you are trying to lose to much weigth. From the sound of It you are eating almost nothing. Are you eating food in betweem (extra) from you described? Maybe counting calories Will help to find the problem.


You need to be in a SLIGHT calorie deficit. This seems overboard. Your body probably dropped its metabolic rate to compensate. When you eat you need to eat until you are full. OMAD isn’t a bad idea either.

What is your goal weight? 60kg seems fine no?


Maybe try adding more nutrients

Greens, berries, pinapple, aloe, banana, orange, etc

When I took nutrient class in college my prof taught me

Moderation and diversity is important because of your bodies nutritional needs. I don’t think it’s good to eat the same thing everyday


The real aim of IF is not the weight lost. But the metabolic changes that will help your body to fight disease, cancer and aging. In theory, when you reach your ideal body weight you shouldn’t lose anymore. (18 months 20:4, stable since 15 months)


This BMI CALCULATER says you are of normal weight.


Which makes it extra hard to lose weight (it’s said again and again from various “people in the know” that the final 5-10 pounds are very hard to lose…and it seems you’ve already done that, so losing more should be even harder.

Why are you trying to lose?


Eight hours isn’t a weight loss window. Four hours is better, a meal and a snack. You mentioned that one is supposed to lose weight of 0.5kg a month. Everyone is different and weight loss isn’t a definite for everyone. It can be weeks or months depending on your particular issues. Streamed buns don’t have much nutritional value. Try some vegetables instead, you’ll get more nutrients.


Me too, 16:8 didn’t do anything for me. I upped to 20:4 and finally seeing the tiniest bit of change. It is kinda hard on me, sometimes really hard, (yesterday was so difficult, I don’t know why) but nothing else seems to work for me. Almost one inch on stomach gone in 5 weeks now. Plus I’m eating almost a pound of steamed/boiled broccoli at my meal time too.


I’d lower starch and increase protein. One egg has only 6g. I aim for 30g+ per meal. A longer fasting window, 18/6 or ADF may be helpful. If you like OMAD, I have heard Dr. Fung speak about benefits of alternating the time, say breakfast then lunch or lunch then dinner, so there is a longer fast every other day.


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