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I just broke a 60 hour fast with 3 sleeves of Oreos. Did I do more harm than good?

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I broke my 72 hour with a Big Mac, cheese burger and a mayo chicken in January. Was trying for a 5 day but went for a drive, ended up going past McDonald’s and I had to turn back. It was the most glorious thing I’ve ever eaten.


The refeeding stage of a fast is where the magic happens. The fast is the breaking down stage and the refeeding is the rebuilding stage. Your body is always going to do better with whole, nutrient dense foods. There’s nothing in Oreos that promotes good health. What you put in your body is 100% up to you but you’re not going to benefit if you stress your body out through fasting and then fill it with junk it can’t use to do anything with.

Three sleeves is about 2k of empty calories so you’re a good way to wiping out any deficit from your 60 hours.

Fasting places stress on the body. It’s important to support your body between fasts. If fasting is going to lead to binging behaviors it may not be the best weigh loss tool for you.


Dude, there are lots of people who just broke a 6 hour fast with 3 sleeves of Oreos.

I’m in the minority but I’m going to say that nothing you do can ‘erase’ your fast. You had a successful fast, the end. Just get used to regular fasting. I do 2x 60hrs per week and there’s no erasing that.


Perhaps if you feel like bingeing after, you were not giving your body enough electrolytes during the 60 hours. I’ve been doing extended fasting for a year and a half and I’ve only felt the need to binge once-and that’s because during that fast I did not use any electrolytes. Give your body what it needs and this will not occur.


EH, 60 hours is a long time. I dont want to be discouraging, but if you did this contintuously, it would do more harm than good. I found that doing keto omad was more beneficial to nearly every aspect of my health than doing 3 day fasts followed by carbo loading with doughnuts.

TL/DR I did carbo loading with doughnuts for a year straight so that you didn’t have to.


That must have felt soooooo gooooood.

Benefit-wise, I would say the fact that you reached a 60-hour fast alone means you exercised a great amount of discipline, which you will need a lot of should you decide to dive back into (relatively) long fasts.

Harm-wise, better have your toilet ready.


It’s with ups and downs for me as well and it’s not like one fast would do all the magic. It helped me more long term to regulate my craving and balancing. That way I don’t end up in scenarios like yours anymore which was one of the major benefits. My cravings are way less and not nearly as intense as before


I think the most magical thing about fasting is that it makes food taste amazing, even the most garbage quality food will taste amazing. We broke fast at a local pizzeria called Yaghi’s. That first bite was incredible. The first bite of whatever is always amazing. Could be something as simple as a single peanut. It always tastes incredible.


if you are binge eating - which is what eating 3 sleeves of oreos is - then you have bigger problems going on than harming your fast. I would focus on getting your eating under control before focusing on fasting. it’s REALLY easy for EDs and fasting to go together in a really unhealthy way.


google refeeding syndrome

if you didn’t take any electrolytes during the fast, spiking insulin can become dangerous

imagine sitting in a quiet room and instead of slowing turning up the music you break the silence with a hammer blow


It certainly shows that the fast had quite the effect on your ability to control your food intake, so I’d say having done more harm than good is certainly in the picture. Now I won’t claim to not have done exactly the same, almost all my fasts from 5 days to 8 to 10 have been broken in untoward ways, but in the end its about the experience for me personally.

Edit: Water fasting took me from 220 lbs to around 200 so I’d say it still can induce a somewhat permanent weight change by altering your weight threshold, which is hard to change back to the original since you actually have to consciously overeat to do it.


I’m going to say that you did very good and I think that 90% of westerners wouldn’t even attempt what you did. Eat them Oreos with milk, enjoy! Get back on the train and try not to fall off, all dramatic 👍🏾


I am currently on a fast; about 36hrs in. And i get a notification from Reddit about oreos on a fast, and im currently high as well. So yes oreos sound bomb rn. If I had oreos rn this would be a case of haram


Last year I did a 4 days fast and broke it in a churrasqueria so got lots of meat and fried cassava. I ate a lot and it felt good at the moment but couple hours later I started feeling nauseous and dizzy and these feelings stayed for like 3 days. I was starting to be afraid but then after 3 days it went away and I was alright. That was the last time I broke a fast like that. Im still wonder what happened in my body there…


I’m surprised your body didn’t get any bad symptoms. Did you feel physically well after eating them?

I can get away with breaking extended fasts with any type of food as long as I eat it slowly at first. For me it’s more about the pace than about the type or even the amount of food. Did you eat them very quickly?

Obviously Oreos aren’t the best food choice after a 60-hr fast, but don’t sweat it. I’m pretty sure we’ve all made questionable food choices at some point when breaking extended fasts.

Just yesterday I broke a 48-hr fast and boy, did I eat cheese. It’s getting to the point where I’ll have to temporarily ban it from my diet. I ususally ban cheese from my diet when my consumption gets out of hand and I introduce it back when I have recalibrated my relationship with food. It’s a somewhat problematic food for me, but I consider it a treat and I don’t want to quit it for good.


This is why I’m doing 1mad (sub 500 calories), I don’t have the self control when I come off an extended fast. I have electrolytes and whatnot around 8 am, my small, carb free, sugar free meal around 4 and do a light workout at 5. I’m losing about a pound a day and rarely get cravings.


Don’t be hard on yourself. If I break a fast with food, smoothies, or anything that doesn’t have sugar in it, I feel horrible and want to die. So I have to eat some sugary thing, not much. I have the same problem when I have been fasting for surgery. Can’t eat anything without almost puking lol


Depending on why you’re fasting for.

Some people fast for ketosis, mental clarity, autophagy etc. Other people fast for weight lost.

Either way. Forgive yourself. We’re only human. You’ll get them next time, tiger!


Maybe the fast wasn’t long enough because when it gets past a certain amount of hours I’m totally turned off by the idea of going straight into eating regularly. Feels unsafe to me, lol.

To answer your question: Did you do harm? Not YET. I’ve done 3, 7, 10 and 15 day fasts over the last 4 years and it’s really about what you’re going to do NEXT. Okay, so you had some oreos. Are you going to continue eating stuff like that or not? I’ve done something similar (eating pizza after a 72 hr fast) and it didn’t make a difference overall because I pretty much went back to eating how I know I’m supposed to. If I treated that as if I messed something up I might have fallen completely off the wagon!

It’s not the worst thing in the world. Act like you didn’t do it and go BACK to eating how you’re supposed to after a fast.


Are you fasting for weight loss? Obv eating a whole pack of oreos is bad for you, but in total, it’s just under 2000 calories. For me doing adf, I can eat around my 2000 calories or more on my eat days and lose weight. So, depending on your tdee, if that’s the only thing you ate, it might not set back your progress. Wouldn’t make a habit of it.

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