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I keep seeing prolonged (24hr+) fasting on this sub

Not to gripe, but I just feel that this is misleading to newcomers engaging in the typical 12:12, 16:8, 20:4, and OMAD lifestyles, and generally out of place for this subreddit when r/fasting suits this better. If I’m wrong let me know, bless

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The more exclusionary you want to be, the less everyone has a chance to learn and explore.

I scroll past topics that aren’t a goal or of interest, but I appreciate the opportunity to learn things I haven’t thought to search for.


I suspect it’s a lot of new people who are trying to drop pounds fast. There has been a lot of discussion about how to deal with the hunger.

I ended up accidentally doing OMAD because after awhile of 16 hrs fasts, then 18, then 20, I just wasn’t hungry until later. This is the way it should be.


It’s interesting that the medical community doesn’t even consider anything under 24 hours as any type of fasting. Typically 3 days or less is intermittent fasting. Under 24 hours is time restricted eating. Any physician or scientific article or study uses this terminology. If you go to your doc and say you’re fasting cause you don’t eat after 6pm, they’ll be very confused lol. Not saying there isn’t benefit there, but if you’re gonna argue semantics, you are wrong.

But there’s a HUGE difference between 24-72 hours and week long+ fasts- which are REAL fasts. I go to the fasting subreddit and can’t compare to what they are doing, but I’ll do a 24-48 hour fast regularly. Which is most def intermittent.


Daily fasts of the type you’ve listed are Time Restricted Eating (TRE), a distinct subtype of Intermittent Fasting. They are definitely the most common approach to IF here at least.

Other approaches like 5:2 and 36 hour weekly fasts are also Intermittent Fasting however, and are pursued for largely the same reasons, so they belong here. It’s only one-off rather than regular fasts I don’t think would belong here.


I intermittently fast for several days at a time and intermittently fast doing omad for weeks at a time. I’m not sure if I’m welcome here there or anywhere. Whenever I let people know what I do I get voted down so I think we could be just a bunch of hangry people here. I’m staying till booted. I gotta live with me so you do too.


Imo its important to include any type of IF, its still the name of this sub amd not “IF under 24h”

A lot of ppl want to start somewhere and this should be the place, if they want something more specific they can either ask here or being redirect to a sub like OMAD.

The gray zone is there, like for me 12/12 isnt IF, its just not eating before bed time and i found it difficult to see any IF related benefit (that fot more into CICO sub imo), its also never teally mentionned in any fasting website or programm, 16/8 usually the bare minimum but i like the idea of a 24+h fast flair,


Been doing OMAD 4.5 years. I think you have a point but not as cut and dry as you are thinking. I occasionally do longer fasts. Just because of life my fasting goes beyond 24 hours. 26 or 27 if I eat early one day and later the next. I’ll even eat lunch one day and then dinner the next. 30 hours. Or breakfast - 34 hours. I don’t do this often - but all of that is OMAD. There is no clock on OMAD. I don’t like to call it 23/1. It’s what separates OMAD from other forms of IF.

And lots of OMADers experiment with longer fasts too. I’ll do back to back 36 hour fasts (with a breakfast in the middle) every month or so. (Usually eat dinner and this lets me have a Sunday breakfast or brunch with family). 2 day fasts. Once I went to 3 day. I think it becomes normal in an OMADer’s life to experiment with longer fasts. Asking questions of other OMADers looking to do an EF seems more than fair IMO.

So while I’d agree discussions of extended fasting lifestyle belong in r/fasting, I do believe there should be flexibility in discussing fasting topics for people doing or interested in OMAD.

Just my $0.02. You’re not wrong but I think some flexibility is ok.


I would have to disagree. Intermittent Fasting covers a wide-range of fasting based on an individual’s needs or personal choices and the ones you listed down are some of the types of fasting choices under Intermittent Fasting.

For me, I love being able to learn from people even if they aren’t doing exactly what I am doing. For example, I mainly follow 20:4. But I ventured into longer fasts and plan to try a few on a fortnightly basis. I’m gaining valuable knowledge from people who have shared their stories on that.

On top of that, a lot of the materials and readings that are prominent in this community have information on longer fasts so it seems to me it’s all inherently under the same umbrella.


We typically see two camps here, daily fasting and extended but still intermittent 24-96. (I’m thinking of intermittent being akin to cyclical, such as weekly or monthly or seasonally)

We also see newbies, and more experienced folks.

I also think highly restrictive calories, sub 500, can be a fast along the 5:2 lines. It’s not ketosis, but I’m not personally interested in ketosis levels. But, I didn’t create the sub either.

Maybe some flairs could help.


How is that not still Intermittent Fasting? If it’s not something you can do then just ignore those posts. Why come on here trying ti kick people off just because you’re not capable of doing what they are doing?


Occasional 24hr+ fasts count as Intermittent Fasting and are welcome in this sub. Clearly a lot of IFers do it as a part of their weight loss journey.

We shouldn’t be so dogmatic about and strict about extended fasts.


I do t understand why long fast 48 and 72 hours are necessary. This IF was explained to me as a simple way to lose weight, can still eat what I want within window. I cannot be so extreme to lose weight, seems way to extreme.

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