| | Water Fasting

I lost 10 lbs in a week.

I did OMAD from last Saturday to Wednesday (5 days) meals being less than 600 calories for each day. Then from Wednesday morning to today (Saturday) I fasted. Only water or tea is what I consumed.

I lost 9.9 lbs in a week. I can say that 72 hour fasting a bit too hard for me. Last night, I couldn’t sleep because of hunger and in the morning today, I had difficulties to eat. Like my mouth was so dry, I didn’t have appetite. I ate slowly but really slowly. I ate something around 500 calories about in an hour. It felt like plenty of food.

I plan to pass 1200 calories today but stay less than 1800 or so. From tomorrow and on, I will do 600 calories per day diet. Maybe I will skip Friday only.

Edit: There is not many constructive comments except for one. So I have to add some more details. in my meals, I generally eat large portion of vegetables and some meat. I take daily vitamins. In some days, I used slim fast which is supposed to have nutritional needs of a day. My daily routine is so effortless physically. Meaning that I work from home, and I am physically very inactive. For me it is easier to eat less than do exercise. Yes, there is probably a better or a way better way doing something for your body. But can I do that consistently? For me, low calorie diet works. It is just crazy to see people comment like they are experts to criticize someone. Do it. Take your steam off. Checking profiles show how nasty people you are.

I don’t plan to do this forever. I will get down to a goal point which I should be achieved in 3-4 weeks. Then I will turn to a 1200 cal per day diet. Before the pandemic I lost 30 lbs in 3.5 months. With the pandemic my life changed a lot.

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This plan isn’t safe, and it’s not going to be effective long-term. It’s also not necessary to eat this little in order to lose weight.

OMAD should be at least 1200 calories per day. An occasional day with lower calories is unlikely to hurt you, but it’s not a good idea to restrict yourself to 600 calories a day long-term. You could really hurt yourself. Your body won’t get the nutrients it needs to keep all your body systems running.

Also, your body will adjust its metabolism downwards to match your low intake — which will make it much harder to keep the weight off when you stop this starvation-level diet.

If you want to do more extended fasting (such as 72 hours), you need to learn how to do it safely — supplementing electrolytes, refeeding properly. If you can’t sleep because of hunger and your mouth is so dry you can’t eat, those are signals that your body is not OK.


You are going to become lethargic from losing too much weight too fast. You won’t have energy to do much, will have brain fog, and will lose lean muscle mass which burns calories just by being there. It will make you skinny fat and eventually you will have to eat normal again but it will all return as fat since the muscle will be gone. Look up low calorie high volume meals with protein. By eating enough calories and having energy to actually do things you will feel better, lose more weight in the long run, and look better as you drop the pounds. 600 calories a day is not enough for maintenance much less to create a stronger leaner body. If your metabolism drops too low it’s going to be even harder to get it back up. There’s plenty of info on these crash diets out there and why they always fail.

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Categories: omad calories morning tea 72 hour fast sleep meat vitamin nutrition steam lose weight extended fasting electrolytes refeeding energy muscle