| | Water Fasting

I'm at my heaviest and I can't seem to get started.


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I feel ya. This has been my greatest IF struggle also - the late night carb binge. The only thing that has worked for me is to be sure there are ZERO tempting foods in the house, and have a hot drink handy. For me, it’s an herbal tea or even just warm water.

And don’t beat yourself up! For context, I’ve lost over a hundred pounds and kept it off for over ten years, using keto and IF, and yet just last night I ate a bunch of baguette because it was there and because my self-control sags when I’m sleepy. So don’t think you have to be perfect. You just have to get back on the horse every time you fall off.


Hey! Distraction is going to be your friend for the first few weeks (this is how long it took me to get somewhat comfortable with fasting).

Another thing I found is just reminding myself it’s okay to feel hungry. Particularly if you’re used to snacking/eating often. Especially because I know im going to eat enough during my window anyway.

I technically do dirty fasting - cream and sugar in my coffee - but it’s been workin for me regardless.

Im only a month in and can feel my clothes loosening among many other NSV’s !!

Above all - stick with it, it takes time but it will feel so great once you’ve got it down pat x


It’s so tricky. I’m a bored habitual snacker myself. I can eat a dinner and feel full and 30 minutes later I find my face in a potato chip bag with 3/4 of it gone. What seems to have helped is I’ve put my foot down on myself like a child. “No eating after 7pm. So drink water you spoiled child! You’re not starving”. Lol. I’ve been successful by some miracle for 20 days out of 22. Progress not perfection they say. But please don’t beat yourself up. Try again. And you don’t have to wait until tomorrow. Try again right now. Put the snack away and don’t keep eating more. Maybe eat a healthier option? Maybe count out 10 chips and put the bag back in the cabinet. But each time it’s okay. It’s gradual improvements with a few days here and there sprinkled in where you lose control and eat a whole package of twizzlers at 10 pm. (Ask me how I know. Lol)


Try switching to a low carb or keto menu for several days before fasting. It works similarly to lower your insulin levels so you don’t get as hungry between meals, which means your appetite will be better controlled when you go into your fast.

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