| | Water Fasting

I'm so weak I can't keep going

I am struggling so so much trying to dry fast or even water fast…I know I can do it because I did a 2 week water fast before like 2 years ago but I just really need to lose a lot of weight (50+ pounds). Every time I see good I get weak and eat, and think oh I can start after this meal, and I keep doing that over and over again and I’m really starting to think I’m pathetic, how the hell do I stop this cycle? I’m getting frustrated

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Listen to your body. If you’re feeling weak stop. Use each fast as a stepping stone to learn what’s best for YOU. OP, fasting and dry fasting is a personal experience listen to your body. Develop your fasting/dry fasting mindset your way. You’re resilient OP, you got this.


Clearly your mind can fast. It’s been two years since the big water fast. You need to take time to teach your body, your flesh to fast. Start small, work up to bigger fasts. Try dry fasting on Sundays. Then try a 3-day dry fast. Then try a 7-day water fast. Work your way up.

Be careful with using fasting to lose weight, because you can hurt your body. Take your time, do it right, and do not rush this.


Look up faster EFT tapping and tap away all your emotional addictions to food.

Then don’t be so hard on yourself.

Fast as long as you can then break the fast with watermelon only. It is filling, nutritious and made up of 93% water. So you will still lose weight even when you start eating again (watermelon). Throw all other food out of your house and have only watermelon and water in your fridge.

Good luck


Try a raw vegan diet for a week before you start intestinal cleaning and then dry fast.

Then when you are ready to break your dry fast do it slowly. If you dry fast for 5 days or less drink only water for the 1st 24 hours, then veggie broths, then veggies, day 4 add berry smoothies. If you dry fast for 7 days or more, drink only water for 3 days, then 3 days of veggie broth, three days of veggie and on day 9 add berry smoothies. After that you can slowly introduce other foods. However, if you are trying to heal any chronic diseases you should stay on a vegetarian diet for 2 months after the dry fast.


When I get weak I have some salt under my tongue. It restores my strength significantly each time, and you can do it as often as you need. Just a pinch is all it takes. Without salt I struggle to go 24hrs, with salt 7 days is doable. And I work a labour job.

Hope this helps.

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Categories: weak struggling dry fast water fast dry fasting mindset tea to fast lose weight vegan diet struggle