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I'm starting my Weight Loss journey. Need advice.

Hello all :)

This is a lengthy post so I’ve divided it into parts. Do read it completely if you have time.

I’m 22M, Height: 162cm/5’3” CW: 96kg/212lbs, BMI: 36.6. Since I’m a short heighted guy, i look even more chubbier

About myself: I’ve always been a potato couch since childhood and because of my indolent nature, I’ve been obese my whole life. I’ve always maintained a safe distance from all kinds of sports/physical activities. With time, I became ignorant about the fact that I’m fat. I couldn’t really see the ‘TRUE REFLECTION’ in the mirror. I used to change my way if I saw any bully in my highschool or kept my eyes shut when I became a laughing stock. Fast forwarding to 2022, I realised that it’s high time for me to get into shape and be a better person. I don’t really want to be a ‘Beta guy’ anymore.

My first attempt: I started Intermittent fasting (IF) this year and lost about 6kgs/13.2lbs in about 20-25 days. I failed horribly as I was eating way too less carioes 1200cal (sometimes 900cal) and i felt dizzy all time. I got back to square one once i stopped it. As a novice I was expecting fast results in less time but I later I realised that I didn’t grew this big in one day, so i cannot expect overnight miracles.

Goals: My ultimate goal is to have a lean body. In order to achieve it, I’ve divided it into short term goals (STG). STG 1: To focus more on cardio till I reach 85kgs/187lbs and chest exercises to tone my chest because I have huge ‘man-boobs’ STG 2: To focus on Cardio and weight training equally till i reach 75kgs/165lbs STG 3: To focus more on weight training than cardio.

Fortunately, I dont have ED and I eat home cooked food only. I’m doing CICO and tracking my calories intake and calories burned.

I know it’s a long journey and I’m ready to commit for a bright future. All I needs is to be consistent and work hard.

Is there anything I should keep in mind?? Please advise me


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You’re on a pretty good track.

Don’t optimize speed, optimize sustainability and the contribution today’s lessons and habits are making to your future goal-weight self. Avoid gimmicks, instead look for solid useful patterns that will contribute to your future long-term goal-weight good-fitness lifestyle.

^^7 ^^yrs. ^^maintaining ^^• ^^♂59 ^^5’11^^/179㎝ ^^SW:298℔^^/135㎏ ^^CW:171℔^^/78㎏ ^^[3Y AMA], ^^[1Y recap] ^^CICO+🚶🏋️


Working out is great and great for you. But really it’s the diet that will cause you to lose weight. Calculate your TDEE and consume say 400 - 500 calories below that. Don’t get too nuts about cutting calories to the bone. When you were doing IF you were eating way too few calories. Consistency is really the name of the game.


>chest exercises to tone my chest because I have huge ‘man-boobs’

If you’re not careful this can have exactly the reverse effect you’re looking for. The extra exercise won’t remove any more fat from the area but it can add muscle. It may be possible to build a routine that uses this to reshape the area, but more likely you’ll just add bulk right where you most want to reduce it.

If you want a short term focus to deal with the issue you want to work the areas around it (shoulders, arms, back and abdomen) to make them look more in proportion and help with your posture. Save working your chest hard until you’ve already stripped a layer or two of fat from it.


What type body do you want. I am biased, but I want muscles. That being said, with working out for 36 years, I am a little muscular, but not swole or ripped.

It is very hard, and takes lots of work to look like a bodybuilder. There is no harm in working out to get stronger and get more muscles. Muscles burn more calories at test. However, be aware that diet is the most important factor in your overall weight. I agree with the general concept that 80% of weight is based on your diet and 20% from working out/exercise.

Do not do fad diets. Or resolutions. Make healthy choices that become a part of your life.

Say stop drinking soda. Or minimize desserts. I have avoided carbs due to borderline blood sugar. So I eat mostly vegetables and lean meat. My bodyfat percent is about 14%. I would like to gain weight to build more muscles, but cannot with my current diet.


Best advise to start is to train for strength and use resistance training not cardio. Eat 0.8 to 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. Work out with resistance 2 to 3 times a week and try to get a good daily step count. Do not cut calories but eat at maintenance or even slightly more then maintenance.

Focus on building strength and building muscle with a focus on whole non or minimal processed foods. Do not try to burn calories through exercise to lose fat. Do not try to out train a diet.

You are aiming at building muscle, sending the body the right signals and eventually burning more calories during the day naturally. Your goal is to be eating more or similar amounts of calories at the end of your journey while having less body fat.

Check out people like Mind Pump for great info


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