| | Water Fasting

I meed help im looking to do a fast nd motivation

The first couple of days are hell. But my goal right now is the frist 48hour then shoot for 72 if all goes well 10 then 30days, I would like some input to help me in my journey and keep my will power up,. Im feeling extremely exhausted eating healthy meat veggies, idk what the hell is going on,,, I’m looking to reset my digestive system and clear out the toxins iny body, then transition o a plant based diet,,, plus it would not hurt to lose these extra 50 pounds,

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Height/weight/sex and what are you eating and how are you cooking it could also be the cause. Also I like snake diet YouTube channel as motivation. Cole is super triggering and yelling all the time, the first time I watched it I turned it off and dismissed him as crazy but then saw a post on Reddit saying it you get over his tone and listen through to what he is actually saying it makes sense(most of the time) but he helps people for no money and has great results.


this might sound lame, but when I need motivation I put on music I like (something fast like dance music) and sort of ‘dance’ and jump around and preach to myself saying (out loud)–I can fast! I CAN! I love water and I love to move! I love it! It’s so easy!! I love it!!” I swear to the gods, that after one or two songs I am so pumped up it holds for the whole day and sometimes longer.


Im looking for a fasting buddy if youre interested. Nobody I know is accepting of fasting so it would be great for some support. I did omad for a few weeks and just completed an 80 hour fast for the first time, looking to do a 5 day fast soon


Update I started on Thursday now I’m on Monday so 5th day. I been drinking water 2days then I started consuming chicken broth on the 3rd now. I’m having coffee with cream and sugar minimal. 1 and 1

Morning coffee ☕️ and water 💦

Lunch Water cup of broth 🐔

Dinner water and cup of broth 🍲

More water later in the night then sleep 😴 My energy levels hav been steady and I’m still in ketosis. First 3 day it was hard but now I’m fine. 🙂 since I started to consume the broth my energy level are always high in energy. I haven’t experienced any weaknesses like on a regular fast. I’m down like 11 pounds now 😁👌🏻💪🏻👍🏻😊. Hey I’m not even hungry 😋 which is amazing. I think the salts and potassium in the broth keep my energy levels steady. The coffee with sugar and cream I burn and get back to ketosis in a couple hours and I’m good .

Starting weight 291lb currently 279lb

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Categories: a fast meat digest omad 5 day fast chicken coffee sugar morning lunch dinner sleep energy tea ketosis weak potassium