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I need help with fast food addiction.

Hi, I’m M 18 175lbs. I have always been pretty skinny/medium weight my whole life. When I was younger I lived in a town that didn’t have any fast food. About 5-6 years ago I moved to a big city and when I did that’s when I started eating fast food. Gradually more and more. Now recently it’s been pretty bad. Fast food is almost all I eat now. And I’m absolutely sick and tired of it. It tastes good but it generally makes me feel terrible and it’s hard on the bank. It’s hard to stop though. It feels like it’s made me repulsed by regular at home foods I’m just wondering does anyone think fasting would help or anything else?

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There is a documentary on netflix called “supersize me” where the guy eats only mcD’s for 2 months and how he ends up being so unhealthy at the end of it. If you watch that, it will keep you off fast food for a good month atleast. There are a couple of documentaries on sugar industry as well (“sugar death” on youtube and “that sugar film” on netflix).. Throw them in and you will stop buying processed store foods as well for sometime.

Then learn about the benefits of fasting.

Its awareness for the most part as to what these industries are doing to our health. Beyond that, there is some amount of self control and discipline that you need to inculcate. I fast regularly but sometimes I eat more chocolate/ ice cream than I should. It needs more work and focus in my experience.

Overall, learning about the negatives of fast food/ sugar industry and the positives of fasting, I am able to 90% stay away from them. The rest 10% is self discipline which is needs constant work.

Good luck.


You weigh similar to me.

The way I think about this is in 2 parts.

Part 1 is it stopping me doing anything or making me ill?

Iam 40 and exercise 5 or 6 times a week most days twice a day. I weigh the same as you but I can also run 10km in 46mins do 12 pull ups, 60 push ups hand stands etc. I am not saying this to brag and to some people this isn’t exactly a major flex but for me my weight is mostly muscle with some fat (dad bod) it doesn’t stop me improving on my exercise. I have goals each year for exercise and if I thought my weight or diet needed to change to support it I would change it. Which leads me on to part 2.

Part 2 change is process not a quick fix.

When I was in my 20s I used to eat shit food all the time as well. Only when I got into my 30s I started to clean it up. But also in my 20s I used to exercise all the time then aswell.To give you an example about the process; For the best part of 5 years I used to eat a bacon sandwhich for breakfast every morning without fail, it took me about another 5 years to change it.

I started by replacing the macdondalds bacon sandwhich with a home made one. I then change snadwhich to bagel thin. I then changed the bacon bagel thin to turkey bacon bagel thin or chicken sausage. I then changed the turkey bacon, bagel thin to turkey breast sandwhich.I then added fruit with my home cooked turkey breast sandwhich I then added some nuts to my breakfast.I then added vitamins tabletsI then added athletic greens before I eat my breakfast

Each step I make.a small.change and once the step.change becomes a routine sometimes a few months later I change it again.

I still have a bacon sandwhich on weekend every so often but now I 16 fast on a weekend.

So to summarise

If its stopping you doing something act now.

Change is process. Quick fix fasting may help but to make sustainable change do it in small steps.


Like any other bad habit. One step at a time. Start with eating the first meal of the day at home. No excuses. Plan for it shop for it and just do it. No excuses. Then add taking your lunch with you and only allowing a meal at the end of your work day. Then start meal prepping on the weekends. Cook bulk meals and stock the refrig for the food you will eat for the week. Allow one nice meal out each week. You have to just stop. You aren’t addicted to the food. You have been sucked into the convenience and are making excuses. You can do better. One day at a time.


Figure out which fast food items you eat the most. (hamburgers, french fries, chicken sandwiches) Order those items through instacart rather than shopping and putting yourself in a position of having to drive past fast food places to get to the grocery store.Gradually add more and more healthy foods to your instacart.


Fasting won’t necessarily help with that. If you realize fast food is chemically engineered to taste good through scent and texture, you might wake up. But if you don’t get it then maybe you never will.

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