| | Water Fasting

I really need to start fasting again and I need buddies.

I’ve fallen off the bandwagon and I really need to lose the weight. I’ve gained 15lbs and I want them off. I worked so hard to get to this weight just to fuck it all up. I got some thyroid issues(hypo/hashi) and I’ve been feeling incredibly hungry all the time lately which has caused the weight gain.

I feel like I need a longer fast to reset my body.

Anyone wants to join?

Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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Count me in. I’m in the same boat, worked so hard to lose weight and then fell off the wagon a few weeks ago. It’s been very difficult to get back into it, so having fasting buddies to cheer each other on and stay accountable would be amazing! Currently 20hrs in. You’ve got this!

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