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I really want to order a pizza rn, what can I do to curb this craving?

Not too far into my journey, although I used to be really good at this. Within a year I’ve gained a lot and abandoned most of my healthy habits, but I’m finally starting to feel more in control as I’ve been fasting for the last week and easing into daily exercise. I think this is my first craving and I don’t want to snowball if I give in. Advice?

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Not sure if it works for everyone, but I’ve found just drinking water helps with my cravings. In a few mins I’ll end up feeling more “full”. I might still have the craving, but it’s at least easier to ignore if I feel a bit more “full”. Good luck OP. You got this!


If you’re in your window, order a salad and a small pizza. Eat the salad first and then a slice or 2 of pizza. If its not your window just remind yourself you get to eat in a few hours, not days, and go for a walk.


Have the pizza, and don’t allow it to snowball. Too much restriction isn’t sustainable. There is room for the foods you love in moderation. Maybe invite a couple friends over to share it with you so you won’t have leftovers and can get back to your regular diet for your next meal.


You can break your fast with a pizza. Just make yourself wait until tonight and make the pizza your only meal. Reward yourself for fasting

I’m OMAD and that’s one of my favorite things I do it like weekly lol

The best part of intermittent fasting or OMAD is you are strict with your window and don’t have to be restrictive with what you eat like other diets. Been at this 12 years. Trust me


I incorporated pizza into OMAD fine. The frozen pizza (rising crust) I buy usually has between 1600-2000 (~600 calories at x3 servings) calories so I sometimes eat one of those for my daily meal.

Regular frozen pizza has ~1200 calories (because there’s less crust) so that’s another option if you want fewer calories


I make a keto tortilla pizza in my skillet 1 flour tortillas 1 tbl pizza or spaghetti sauce Top withCooked ground beef. Mushrooms etc. top with shredded cheeseSpray skillet first Cook over med heat covered until hot and bubbly


Think about how you’ll feel after. The dejection and disappointment you’ll feel. That pain of hunger or fulfilling a crave is how you know you’re on the right track. If you feel that you’re not indulging. Hope that helps lol.


I ate two slices of pizza last week at a lunch meeting, tested my blood sugar 2 hours later, and it was 201! I’m afraid of pizza now. My post keto-meal blood sugar is more like 115 and fasting is 85. I had no idea pizza was such a blood sugar bomb. No more pizza for me!


Hey! I make my own mini pizza with naan bread, pizza sauce, a little cheese and a ton of veggies whenever I get a pizza craving. Remember the beauty of counting calories is you can still eat what you love, you just might have to adjust a few things so it fits within your calorie budget!


Life is precious. So is pizza. If you’re in your window and you’ve been doing well with your nutritional intake, order and enjoy a pizza. You’re getting protein, carbs, and fat in one meal. Just train a bit extra tomorrow but mostly, enjoy it.

Moderation folks, moderation.


I think the real reason I gain 3x the weight of pizza eaten is because I like it so much. I haven’t had any in so long I can’t remember.

On the other hand I like how loose my shirt is fitting right now.


Whenever I crave something, I make a keto version of that food the following day. Trust me when I say keto pizza is better than regular crust pizza!

Just tell yourself to hold on until the following day? (Usually by that time you wont even crave it anymore)


I have a delicious recipe that is sort of a casserole with eggplant, peppers, tomato sauce zucchini and a shit tonne of mozzarella cheese which totally satisfies my pizza cravings. All the flavors are there without the crust


When I crave pizza, I make it homemade with a store bought keto-friendly crust. Pile it high with low carb toppings including lots of shredded mozzarella. Pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, marinated artichokes. It’s fantastic! Because I often crave pizza, I keep the ingredients on hand.


I have one for this! Look up pizza toast on YouTube.

You can make it pretty healthy with good bread, canned tomatoes (or fresh tomatoes) and a bit of parmigiano reggiano, and then whatever else fits in with your diet.

Normally olive oil, butter, and mozerella is a good combination.


Find your inner cheapskate. Pizza Hut is not worth it. Stay away from social media ads, I swear I have junk food urges just from ads. It only takes a second of seeing pizza…and what do ya know. Don’t give in to the brainwash, try meditation- even more f it’s just 5 minutes to start


Tonight I really wanted to treat myself to Popeyes because it reminds me of my ex bf and we used to always get it but I decided to have something else in the house that’s homemade and won’t always be here. Pizza just like pop eyes will always be available. It feels way more rewarding making things yourself not to mention saves money! Maybe you can make a healthy version on pizza yourself? You got this!


What I do is order my pizza (or any other craving for that matter)

Cut it into 3 parts 70% of my calorie goal (for eating), then 15 % of my calorie goal (keep this in fridge) and the rest I put in a bag and go to the thrash and dump it inside.

I drink water full and eat my 70% goal slowly and some more water.

Then usually I end up taking the 15 out and heat it and eat it too but it takes more time and slowly hunger subsided and I ate my cake too.

Lucky days I have the 15% for the next day too


Eat pickle juice but make sure it’s zero calories and get you some ice sparkling zero calorie.

Stay away from carbs , more carbs will lead you to more cravings , just keep it strict keto till you lose weight and introduce carbs slowly down the road


Dang! I haven’t had a slice of pizza in a year. Now you’re making me crave just a simple Domino’s cheese pizza slice.

One of the things I’ve discovered is when I am craving something he share it with a person otherwise the chances of me eating the whole thing is great.


During a craving, I find things to do. Occupying myself with a task quiets the craving. One thing I did was, take up from scratch baking.

The thing I baked the most…pizza.

I tinkered for weeks (a thin poolish crust, omg), enjoying fantastic home baked pizza. During those weeks, my weight loss slowed but, did not hit a wall. Which is to say, you can have pizza and, continue to lose unwanted weight.


Just order a small pizza instead of a large one, and enjoy it. If you find a pizza by the slice place you like, just get a slice. Eating a slice or two of pizza is not that bad for you but ordering an entire large pizza is a terrible idea. I’d rather eat small amount of exactly what I want than make some sort of weird healthified bastardization of the thing I want.

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