| | Water Fasting

I screwed up and over ate.

I am 6’. or 183cm and 78kg.

I had a near perfect week, OMAD, keto refeedings(usually 10-20 minutes), around 1700-2000 calories a meal. Easy no cravings! Amazing results, went from 79KG to 76KG in a 6 days!, I had not been 76 for a year maybe more.

Come the weekend, I go to my parents house. I already decided this was just a trial week so I wouldn’t resist and try to eat less carbs. Was a success, had a lot of meat. Then come the cake. And staying up late. The next day my anxiety springs from lack of sleep and I believe sugar… and comes the homemade cake. So…Today, Sunday. Anxiety spiking… I decide that sugar is making me unstable and anxious so I had a big fatty meal and I am ready to fast. But anxiety…so give weed a try. Worst decision ever. I forgot I had quit weed because it was making me feel even more anxious. I ate shit cookies iceream.



Eating OMAD and keto is very easy. Scary good results.

Sugar makes me even more anxious.

Weed is no go.

I need to commit to this now, and deny sweets. It’s not about resisting sweets because I barely feel hunger or cravings because I know how anxious it makes me feel. I just have to say no and not put any in my mouth so I don’t trigger cravings.

I feel really messed up right now… I had a really good week and I feel like this is something I can comfortably do all I want to do is return on the right track. Maybe eat hamburger or something…

My intention going into it this time was to quit sugar addiction and go for a week see how it feels. I had been vegan before. I found it to work amazingly well. Barely any keto flu symptoms. It surprised me how much more control I had over my hunger when I wasn’t eating sugar.

And I knew that one bite and I am going right back into it! I knew it! And yet I did it anyway. Why? Because I thought that I had gotten what I wanted- a trial. And it works much better than expected. So what am I going on about now? It’s the anxiety, I underestimated it once again… Just like you wouldn’t cheat and feel guilty about. I didn’t feel I did something wrong morally, but the way my body reacted to all the carbohydrates and lack of sleep and weed- I killed myself guys… that’s really what it feels. Maybe this is more r/sugarfree. But I think they would think I am crazy and have an ED…

I AM READY!!! The weed is coming off, and I feel better… I know tomorrow is going to be hard because all the sugar I had today, but as long as I don’t touch weed. I’ll be fine with a 20/4 too, even 16/8.

Wish me luck!

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You will succeed my friend. I too quit weed 6 years ago and I know I should not touch it ever because of the anxiety/paranoia it causes me. Could you tell me what were your keto refeeds on omad ? Thanks a lot :)

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Categories: omad keto refeeding calories carbs meat sleep sugar to fast shit carbohydrate