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I suck..

I lost some weight after getting covid thanks to the lack of energy, but for some reason i still craved food even when I’m not hungry after a week of eating less. I’m a stay at home wife and mom of an 11 month old and I’m not gonna lie I spend all my time at home. It’s just more convenient especially because of the weather now. It genuinely makes me feel sick when I eat at this point like I’m sick of myself after eating when my mind tells me to. I keep saying I’m not hungry and I’m not, but somehow end up opening the fridge looking for a snack… I don’t even like snacks like that…I was overweight even in my younger years and sometimes I really get mad at my parents for setting me up like this.. they didn’t know any better but now I’m suffering it’s like my mind doesn’t understand that it doesn’t need that much food… I tried IF again and again and I want to make it my lifestyle.

Seeing my husband drink his wine every night enjoying himself I feel left out… so I have something to to join in…I regret that I cant eat the same as him and be fit… I’m trying everyday.. it’s not what I eat, its what time and how often…my low activity level isn’t helping but I’m so sleepy all the time because of university and baby..I’ll get there… it’s just hard

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Hey there,

I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling with this. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, and it’s totally understandable that you’re feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Remember that it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. Every small step you take towards your goals is a step in the right direction.

It sounds like you’re already trying to make positive changes in your life, and that’s great! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have setbacks - it’s completely normal. Just keep trying and keep pushing forward. You can do this!

If you’re feeling really stuck and unsure of how to move forward, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist or a nutritionist who can offer some personalised guidance and support. They can help you develop strategies that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Remember that you’re not alone in this. There are so many people out there who have gone through similar struggles, and it’s possible to overcome them with the right mindset and support, so I think you’re in the right place and doing a good thing by sharing your struggles here. Keep reaching out for help when you need it, and don’t give up on yourself. You’ve got this! 💪🏼


Can you shift your eating window later to have a glass of wine at night? Your eating window is whatever time you want it to be. So if you’re currently eating noon-8 for example, push it back to 2-10 and have that glass of wine with your husband.

Also a little bit of tough love in regards to your last paragraph: life isn’t fair and you need to get over it. I am a short woman with a much taller, VERY muscular man who easily gets to eat 3 times as much food as I do including a mountain of ice cream every night before bed. I used to be jealous and actually put on about 15 pounds in the early years of our relationship because I was sick of ‘missing out’ on all the treats and snacks he got to have. But I had to accept that that’s life and this is the body I was given and I will never get to eat like he does, or anyone else for that matter. It will be much easier mentally once you can accept that and embrace giving YOUR body what it needs.


It sounds like you may be engaging in some emotional eating. All that frustration, and all those emotions are “acting out.” I agree that you might want to consider shifting your eating window so that you can find worth your hubby.

I’m sorry that you feel defeated… you could probably benefit from a purposeful psychology shift: whenever you hear yourself say, “I suck,” just STOP, and make yourself say, OUT LOUD, something more forward thinking and growth-oriented, like, “I have to find my groove, and I got this.” Although the foundation you were given isn’t the healthiest, this is the case for many of us. You gotta FIGHT BACK to get the life and lifestyle you want and deserve. You are the one who’s responsible for the rest of your story, even if the base layer isn’t what you’d have chosen yourself…not to mention what you’re modeling for your little one.

Come up with some mantras to replace the negative thoughts, and make some adjustments. DON’T beat yourself up… that won’t help you. Throw out whatever strategy (-ies) isn’t (aren’t) helping!


You don’t suck! This is hard, but you can do it! I’m gonna recommend my two go to books for when I need to be tough: Mindset and man’s search for meaning, they will be the top Google results. Good luck! <3

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