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I think I’m going to take a break from IF for a couple months

Just for some background, I’m around 40 pounds overweight and have been since puberty. I’ve gained maybe 5-10 pounds since middle school. I’m a senior now. I never did a first before for reasons that would honestly take to long to explain.

Anyway, the point is that intermittent fasting works, and a little too well. See, the thing is I don’t want any of my classmates to notice I lost weight. I thought at first whatever, but yesterday, when I weighed bellow 140 in the morning, I got kind of scared someone might notice, and when I came to school I realized I really didn’t want that. So in a week, I’m going to stop. I will take up IF again 2 months before graduation.

But also, I kind of like my body as it is, being fat. I like feeling the fat when I lie in bed, it actually comforts me. Now that I’ve lost 15 pounds, my appearance doesn’t bother me, though I’m still overweight. I actually like it. But I also find IF really easy. I get super hungry in the morning, but other than that, I don’t mind it. I’m not unhealthy and I usually have a pretty healthy diet. I think there were some bad months where I gained the weight, and for sure during puberty I ate a lot which was due to a combination of factors.

I know a lot of people feel the opposite, and would love the attention, but I really don’t, and I like who I am. K don’t feel a need to change, but I think if I’m skinnier I’ll be prettier, which can’t be a bad thing, especially if I find it so easy. But I’ll be pretty in collage. For high school, I’m fat.

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If you feel healthy and happy, that’s what matters in the long run.

I do IF for weightloss because I was feeling unhealthy and sluggish. It’s helped bring my energy levels back up because I’m eating better. But if you’re already feeling those things, then there’s not a big need to change yourself.

We’ll be here to support you when you’re ready to go again, if you’re ready. 🙂


It sounds like you might be ready to maintain your weight but shift your focus to strength training. Continue eating healthy, get stronger, and then start IF again in a few months like you said.

Also… our brains (and bodies) don’t finish developing until 25. Society says you’re an “adult” when you turn 18, but our bodies change a lot in our late teens and early 20s. Be kind to yourself.


Your life , your choice . If you are worried someone will notice… surprise most people do not notice others. And if you are worried just tell them you got your hair trimmed or get it cut and they will never notice the wt loss.

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Categories: overweight intermittent fasting morning healthy diet sluggish energy