| | Water Fasting

I tweaked the Snake Juice Diet and in 11 days I am down 18 pounds. Here’s how I did it.

On September 20th, I started my fast drinking only water and 2 Celsius per day. Celsius, is an energy drink that states it “accelerates metabolism”&”burns body fat” by putting your body in thermogenesis state that utilize ingredients such as Green tea, Ginger, and Guarana seed. It has 10 calories per serving and loaded with vitamins.

I try to go 3-4 days without food and only drinking water & my miracle of a weight loss drink,Celsius. I swear that not only does it prevent me from feeling ill but also is somehow is suppressing my appetite and providing me with a mental state of clarity and energy that I have never felt before in my life.

Since the September 20th, I have eaten 4 times in 11 days. Healthy foods and bad foods. One night chicken wings and pizza. The other nights a salad of my choosing (no restrictions really) or chicken bone broth with tofu.

my starting weight was 237lbs and is now currently at 219. 18 pounds in less than 2 weeks. I’m eating chicken fajitas tonight’s and will probably wake up tomorrow morning fatter than I was this morning. But I SWEAR as long as I fast the entire day tomorrow and drink my Celsius, by Friday I will be at the 20lb mark.

Everybody around me besides my wife are naysayers. Telling me that it’s not possible or “your just going to gain it all back once you stop”……. Of Course you gain back weight when you start eating “normal” again and it isnt possible to always stay in a fasting mode for forever. But if I am able to loose as much weight as possible as quickly as possible and hit my goal weight of 185 (52lbs) by thanks giving. Not only will I be able to enjoy my feast but prove to myself and everybody else that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

Im willing to answer questions and continue to update weekly if enough people seem interested into my miracle weight loss regimen.

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I do a similar diet but I drink REIGN or BANG. They are wrong when they say you will immediately gain the weight back. It isn’t water weight or a giant dump, you are actually burning fat. They are right though that after a significant period of deprivation, your body turns up the hunger hormones and you want to eat like crazy. I have lost a lot of weight on fasting diets such as the snake diet, and I have gained a lot of it back. My longest fast was 7 days, so I was pretty serious and strict. I do have lower blood pressure and resting heart rate right now even though I am back up to a similar starting weight, and it looks like my face kept some of the weight off and I gained it back in other areas. So it wasn’t a total waste.

I am about to start the diet again, I had a fun summer with lots of cheating and time to buckle down for winter (so I can do it all again next summer). Good luck. You can keep the weight off, but you can also put those 50 pounds back on in 3 months easily. Have a plan for when your appetite is off the charts and you are insatiable. Don’t keep cheap food in the house.


I’ve also used ultima electrolyte powder and I think it works as good as snake juice. But I’m also a fan of homemade SJ. I think it takes like cold milk to me so I don’t mind the taste. In fact if I go a day or two without SJ, I feel like shit and I crave it more than plain water.


Am interesting idea. Do you only take Celsius at the beginning so that you can push yourself into a fast? Aren’t you concerned about how sensitive your body is and that you are putting in additives and chemicals during that sensitive time?


Hey, thanks for sharing. Wondering where you are now?I have been reading about certain things like saffron, matcha tea, olive oil, that enhance fasting and makes it easier and smoother. There are also fruit peels concentrated and herb concentrates and mushroom concentrates. Oils like CBD…

Currently i am only using matcha tea twice a day and drinking snake juice pretty much all day around. And 600mg of ksm66(ashwagandha).Eating once a day around 1600 to 1000 calories, lifting 4 to 5 times. Feels great and easy.

I will look up celcius as i am interesting in breaking down the Ingredients and making it myself. Your post is what i was looking for.

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Categories: weak juice diet energy body fat tea calories vitamin weight loss chicken morning a fast fasting diet longest fast blood pressure heart shit oil fruit